Part 37: Somethings Unsaid

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    Jennie, Lisa and Rosé reached the temple venue for the prayer meet of Miss Bae. They met with Jin and Mrs Kim at the entrance.
they greet them. while lisa hugged mrs kim.

"Thanks for coming you guys, but where Jisoo" jin said greeting them.

"She is on her way here" Rosé said

"ok, so let me introduce you guys, Roseanne Park this is my mom and mom she is Roseanne park, Lisa's Girlfriend" Jin Introduced her
" Annyeonghaseyo Mrs Kim, , You can also call me Rosé. Nice to meet you" she greeted by bowing 90 degree to her and Mrs kim too bowed to her.
"she is pretty Lisa-yah!!" rosé blushed while lisa giggled lightly saying a thank you.
"and mom this is Jennie Kim"
"Annyeonghaseyo Mrs Kim, Nice to meet you" she bowed
"nice to meet you to Jennie, lets go inside, i am sure jisoo will come soon"

"Don't wait for her,She won't come!!" Mr Kin said interrupting them. Lisa clenched her fists in anger and gritted her teeth. while rosé and jennie looked annoyed but bowed to him

" Annyeonghaseyo Mr Kim" they both greeted him. he nodded.

" Lisa !! Long time no see, they must be your friends"
lisa nodded as she hummed while looking annoyed"yes mr kim she is my girlfriend and my friend"
" Lets go inside" jin said clearing the heavy atmosphere between lisa and mr kim as everyone followed them. But Jennie stayed outside saying that she will wait for jisoo and both will pay there respect together .

As they entered the temple. there met with Irene and seulgi with some priests of temple . they performed there rituals.everyone pay there respect to Ms Bae.
everyone went out then Irene saw Jennie at the entrance so she called lisa
" Lisa, why is Jennie standing there won't she come inside to pay respect"
"Unnie she is waiting for jisoo"
"It's useless, that brat won't come"mr kim said standing beside them.
"oh mr kim, what if she would" lisa said taunting him.
"she won't even dare!!" Mr kin said smirking evil.
"Mr kim, Lets not assume anything" Irene said to him coldly.
Mr kim looks annoyed looking at irene.
"Oh so hou are taking her side now, you are getting soft for her Irene-ah"mr kim said coldly
"O don't want any scene today , Mr kim" irene said ignoring him and left.

Irene called coming from behind her.
"Irene unnie" jennie said and greeted her.
" Why are you here lets go inside"
"unnie am waiting for Jisoo"
"She won't come Jennie!" irene said with a straight face.
"no she said to wait for her, she will come, I know"jennie said furiously

'you are really stubborn. Lets test you out Jennie'
"ok if you say so" Irene said and left her there.

It's evening already, everyone left after paying respect, lisa and rosé to left as Jennie said them.
But inly Irene was left with Jennie.

Priest called Irene to inform her to close the prayer meet.
irene asked for few minutes and left to inform Jennie.

"Jennie , Prayer meet is going to end in few minutes lets get inside"
Jennie was disappointed in herself as she was near to tearup.
"But unnie, Jisoo..."
"Jisoo already visited!!"
"w-what!!" Jennie said shocked.
"Come on" irene said dragging her inside the temple.
as they were paying respect Irene pointed to the Pink roses and white lilies which was put down from Ms Bae Photo frame.
"Jisoo came early every year and payed her condolence by these flowers"

Jennie looked at irene who was smiling ear to ear. then irene dragged her into her car and left.

"she never forget jennie, she will never in her lifetime. she just doesn't want to create chaos in this day"
Irene said softly driving the car while Jennie looked at her sitting at the shotgun seat next to her. curiosity is hitting Jennie.

"I don't understand you, you left her when she needed you the most, humiliate her in front of everyone, you broke her heart into pieces but won't let anyone hurt her ..... why? you know her from the extract yet You basically control her life....You do care for her but won't show her......I don't understand both you sisters both don't show your emotions and are both stubborn as hell " Jennie busted out breathing heavily.

Irene laughed slightly.
"this is not a matter of joke unnie" jennie said annoyed.
"You , Jennie Kim!! talk too much.... take a deep breath and relax a bit"

"You didn't answer my questions unnie ?"

"first of all i don't control her life—"
"but she only listens to you, she can even die for you" said Jennie cutting her sentence

"thats what am most afraid of !! In past years i tried many times to make her hate me but she won't hate me no matter what"
Irene said. looking straight on the road but her voice has the bit of sadness and disappointment.

Jennie was speechless so she looked outside the window after few minutes she furrowed her brows and asked
" Unnie!! where are we going , my dorm is on the other side"

Irene chuckled and said
" You said i know jisoo from the extract so am taking you to her as you have to attend another prayer meet"

"Today is not only my mom's death anniversary but hers too"
Jennie looked shocked at her statement

"Nayeon informed about you knowing about Ms Nanny kim" Irene said softly

"Uhmm.... y-yeah" jennie tensed as she felt nervous.
" well this information is confidential so please don't leak it, even Lisa doesn't know about it"
"why? does seulgi knows "
"she does .... its just that lisa is short tempered when it comes to Jisoo and its only be known by our family and Nayeon, Jeongeon, and seulgi"

Jennie was so much confused at this new information .
"Why are you doing this?" Jennie asked her curiously .
" some times its better to left some things unsaid , when the time will come every thing will be explained. Till the time, Just stay with her, Be her pillar of support and make her smile like you always do. I have never trust anyone for her other then Seulgi and Lisa so today I wanna trust you. Can I?"
Irene said sincerely
"I see you are not a bad person so You can!!" jennie smiled at her and nodded her head.

"i can turn bad when it comes to Jisoo" irene said taking a glance at jennie by smirking at her. Jennie gulped hard.
"We are here!" irene announced.

Jennie came out of the car but looked back as irene didn't went out of the car.
" aren't you coming unnie!!"
Irene shook her head as a No. she took some flowers from backseats and handed too jennie.

"Please give my condolences to her mom. Just don't tell her anything, hope you keep this secret between us . i should take my leave, take care jennie"
irene said and left her in front of cemetery 🪦.

Jennie looked around and found jisoo near a cemetery so she approached her.
Jisoo was seating with her legs folded and her eyes were closed like she was relaxing.

Jennie went near her and took a seat beside her.

Jisoo didn't opened her eyes but a smile appeared on her face as Jennie's fragrance engulfed her surrounding.

"Hi"Jennie said as she placed flowers on the cemetery . Jisoo opened her eyes and looked towards her and said sincerely

"Mom, meet jennie kim the one i was talking about. she is an important part of my life now"
"Hi mrs kim, hope its all the good things she said about me"
"of course" Jisoo said as she put her head on jennie's shoulder.


enjoy the chapter, hope you like it.
please ignore the grammatical errors. do share if you have any queries.

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