Part 18 : Monster

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As everyone were seated at the backyard around the bonfire mad by Mr Manoban.

"so what do your parents do Chaeyoung ?"
"we are orphans , mr manoban. jennie and I, we are born and brought up at The Seoul Sanitarium & Hospital Orphanage" chaeyoung said with a smile.

"oh thats great , look how far you have come, am proud of you girls, am sure your orphanage members will also be proud of you.... but i think i have heard of this orphanage name before!!"

"it must be because, its very popular due to its medical study and hospital" jennie said
everyone agreed with her.

as the time passes by, all four girls bid there goodbye to manoban couple as all four girls insisted to not stay at manoban mansions.

Jisoo was driving there way back while jennie is seating beside her and chaeyoung and lisa were knocked out at the back seat with chaeyoungs head on lisa's shoulder and lisa's head on hers.

Jisoo noticed jennie was on the. verge to sleep
"you can sleep you know!"
"oh no i wanna accompany you"
jisoo nodded lightly.

Jennie out of guilt said
"you brought expensive gifts for Mr and Mrs manoban today, and you even gave them on our behalf i was feeling guilty—"
"you don't need to be, you and chaeyoung are special to Lisa and to make her happy i'll do anything"
'so you all did this because of lisa, am i nothing to you'

"no don't downgrade yourself, you are a good friend of mine now" jisoo said as if she read Jennie's thoughts.

"so we finally are friends huh" jennie said wiggling her eyebrows
"stop that"
both laughed at that Jennie saw how jisoo was smiling ear to ear so she pull out her phone ad snapped a pic of her.
"hey , why would you do that"
"you should smile more chu you look beautiful"
Jisoo sensed sincerity in her words that made her blush a little. it made her stomach twist and heart fluttered. she choose not to comment on it.

They reach to there respective dorms jisoo helped carrying chaeyoung and lisa to there rooms as jennie was already tired.
after both Jennie and jisoo both tucked themselves in there bed they smiled thinking of each other.
"Friends" they whispered while into there own bed and went to sleep.


Morning at campus is always busy with birds chirping, students roaming around and breakfast serving at the cafeteria of SNU.

while Lisa was in an angry mood which was unusual of her. whole day she couldn't focus on her studies, seulgi tried talking to her but Lisa answered her to not worry much. Meanwhile Jisoo got the hint of why she is behaving like this.

after there classes , jisoo, Lisa, Jennie and chaeyoung were having lunch at the near by restaurant with redvelvet as seulgi insisted to do that and everyone obliged .

jisoo was seated between lisa and jennie . As beside jennie there was chaeyoung and joy then yeri then irene and seulgi at the round table.

they had ordered there food and was patiently waiting while some were chatting about how there day went.

Jisoo was patiently seated but she grilled her hand to the fist as anger was soon boiling inside her when she heard something beside there table.

At Other table, there were some boys who were insulting the girls.

"look at these hot chicks!!! I want the one having short height. she look kinda funny and good in bed"

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