Part 55: Upperhand Over Him

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"You finally came!!"
"I had too! Its not like every day you get a text from your enemy for a hangout"Jisoo replied sarcastically.

"Firstly, Its not a Hangout. And second we are not enemies.... yet" He said in annoyance

"not a friends either!" she stated shrugging her shoulder

"I just wanna know Why? Why did you help me?I didn't beg you to—"

Jisoo smirked, as she cut him, "But your parents did!"

He grabbed her by her shirt collar and pinned her harshly on a nearby wall.

She groaned in pain, "Ugghh! You know i am still in process of healing my bruises... ughh, it hurts !!"

"I don't care! Don't drag my parents in it! Or else you will see hell"

Jisoo chuckled sarcastically, "Oh Sehun! you haven't even visited hell my dear"

Jisoo suddenly head-butted him. He stumbled back a step by caught off guard. Jisoo grabbed his arms as she twisted it behind his back and pinned him against the wall.

He groaned in pain,
"What do you want bitch?"
"Don't you watch crime and mystery dramas or crime novels. You really have a low IQ" she said shooking her head in amusement.

"Information! all i need you to provide me the information" Jisoo said sincerely with a cold tone

Sehun just snorted loudly, " and why would i do that for you?"

"Poor you! You should have known my power by know. I cleared your name from my case, so that it won't cost your future.
I just want little bit of information regarding Kai and Mr Kim in exchange."

"am not like you! I don't sell myself with your filthy money. I am loyal to Kai"

Jisoo rolled her eyes, "Yeah the friend, who left you behind to suffer in jail, while he was attending parties and enjoying his life."

"He was trying every thing to discharge me!"
"But he couldn't! you know why because how much he would try to, I will always have a upper-hand over him. "

"Whatever bitch!"
"I pity you! i guess i should try you parents. They could help-me. They are really in big debt you know, and I can—"

before she could say anything sehun pushed her by hitting her with his elbow in her stomach and switched there position.

Now He is pinning Jisoo on the wall. He hit her a punch on her stomach. she groaned in pain.

He then had his fist in air to hit her on face, Jisoo closed her eyes.

She only heard a sound of

She opened her eyes to see Sehun in ground who was now trying to stand up.
"You ok, Chu!"
Jisoo looked at her saviour, she frowned seeing Irene who saved her by hiting sehun with her purse.

"What are you doing here? Were you stalking me?" jisoo said angrily

"Chu! I was—"

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