Part 61: She Likes Cold

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"K-Kill m-me" she said again taunting him.

His grip on her neck get stronger, as her body shake with lack of oxygen. Suddenly he thew her body to the ground making a THUD sound.

Jisoo tries to breath heavily, then she started laughing at him. She stood up and said, "You can't even kill me now, You should have killed me before when you have the time. Now its too late"

"Shut up you bitch!" He said gritting his teeth in anger.
"I will once i'll get you the punishment you deserve, Mr Kim" She said coldly and she left him alone.

"You little... aish!! I'll have to get a grip on myself. I can't loose to a little girl" he said to himself angrily while stomping his foot.

But he got startled when he heard a familiar voice, "The girl was right, You are too late now!"

The man who would be in his 50s with a black coat with black pants and polished black shoes.

Mr Kim seemed surprised "Y-You!! w-when did you m! Why! How did—"

"You ask too much questions Kim!"
"What do you want?" Mr Kim said coldly
"Ah you never changed huh, Always talk to the point"
Mr kim glared at him as he warned him, " You know i can sent yo to jail again!"

"Ooh! and you know i can take yoh with me to jail too"
The man laughed like a maniac seeing the troubled expression on Mr Kim's face
"And seeing you this trouble is giving me peace right now!... i came here for different reasons but i changed my mind. I can help you if you want"

Mr Kim raised his brow at him with a suspicious look.
"And why is that?"

The man chuckled a little, "Nothing much Kim, I will solve your problems, and in return I want Kim Jisoo"

Mr kim looked at him suspicious for a second, "No revenge for me in between?" He suspiciously asked.

"Not at all, I'll think of it as a payment. You will get the shares on your name and in return i'll get that girl!" The man stated while smirking.

"Why you have a sudden interest on her?"
"Well, she is the only person who ran away from my grasp. It really affected my reputation. But am happy that she grew up to be a really beautiful women now. I have my eyes set on her"

Mr Kim pulled his hand forward, "You can do whatever you want to do with her. I just want her out of my sight , so we have a deal!"

The man smirked wilder, as he pulled his hand forward for a handshake to complete the deal "Deal!" 🤝


Jisoo returned to the dorm, where she saw Jennie and Rosé in the Kitchen where they were preparing dinner.

"Oh you arrived on time chu!" Jennie said when she felt Jisoo's presence inside the kitchen.

Jisoo smiled and nodded her head as she stared preparing the tables.And they eat there dinner. After that they settled in living room but soon a loud noise invade there peace when Lisa entered the dorm.

"YooHoo! what's up everyone!" Lisa said jumping around towards Rosé as she placed a kiss on her cheeks then she we took to jennie to greet her by kissing her cheeks.

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