Part 29 : Making Me Crazy

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Beware Jennie is going to do something unexpected in this chapter. Please don't get offended.

               In The Midnight, a Thunder strike made Jennie's eye open but being sleepy her eyelid again shut down. But soon her eyes were wide open feeling the vibration from the person laying beside her. she looked towards Jisoo who was shivering in her sleep . Jisoo's body was all sweaty as she was murmuring something under her breath

Seeing her in miserable condition Jennie sat up in bed all alarmed. She shakes jisoo to wake her up. But jisoo didn't woke up instead she sobbed hard and her murmurs went loud.

"s-stop p-please.... s-stay a-away from m-me"

"Jisoo wake up" jennie shake her body

"s-stop p-please"

"s-stop p-please.... s-stay a-away from m-me" Jennie even slapped her but Jisoo didn't snapped out of her trance. Jisoo's state was looking bad and vulnerable.

"s-stop p-please"

One thing crossed in jennie's mind as she doesn't have any idea what else to do.

She leaned over her and grabbed her face between her hands and muttered to Jisoo "I wanted my first in a better scenario but I don't want anyone rather than you to be my first"  She captured Jisoo's lips with hers .

Her lips felt soft like a pillow to jennie so smooth that she wanna devour into it all the time. She felt electricity appeared on her body when there lips touched.

It was like the time has stopped for her but seeing no reciprocate action from jisoo, Jennie was near to breaking down as she bite jisoo's lower lip harshly. It came in shock for Jisoo as she opened her mouth to provide Jennie's tongue the entrance. Jennie entered her tongue sucking and mapping every inch of her mouth.

Soon she found Jisoo reacting to her kisses, she shut her eyes tight as a tear escaped from her eyes . she devoured all her emotions she was feeling into that kiss. In a blink of an eye her tongue duels with the others. Jennie's adrenaline rushing through her veins , butterfly flying around her stomach as both there lips found there rhythm and moved in sync. They both pulled out and sat on bed at the lack of air in there lungs.

Both have tinted cheeks, to clear this awkward silence Jennie spoke up while breathing heavily
"a-about this, uhmm you were not waking up from your dream and it came to my mind am sorry if i offen—"
she couldn't speak up as jisoo again smashed both of their lips together. Jisoo's left hand went to Jennie's nape pulling her head closer to her to deepen the kiss while her right hand was into her slim waist pulling her body closer to hers, leaving no space between them.
Jisoo pulled her with her as the both fell down on bed slowly while Jennie being on top of her, jennie held both of her sidewise beside jisoo's face for support.
Pouring all her emotions in the kiss jisoo bit her lower lips, making the younger gasp. with her tongue Jisoo took her breath away. It was a Long breathing kiss for both of them, that Jennie is sure , she won't forget, EVER.

Jisoo broke the kiss and was staring at Jennie with warm eyes, while jennie had still her eyes closed who was trying to make her breathing calm as a stupid smile was plastered on her face.
Jisoo just slid jennie beside her and hugged her by her waist . Jennie was dumbfounded by her actions as jisoo was  putting her head in the crook of her neck. smelling her scent.
"It tickles"Jennie said moaning slightly while jisoo's warm breath hitting her neck and her slender long fingers were on her waist burning up her skin with desire.

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