Part 35: Jendeuk

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     Jisoo opened her eyes when she felt heavy weight above her and a vanilla scent engulfed around her. she sleepily flicker her eyes upon the sleeping figure above her.
jennie hummed as she snuggled more into jisoo. Jennie's head was in jisoo's chest as her arms were around her waist.

"you are really something? i thought you were sleeping" jisoo whispered into her ears.
"you left me alone! I couldn't sleep without you"
"sorry" jisoo said sincerely.
" why are you mad at me?"
"am not mad !!"
"oh i can sense it..." jennie said with grumpy sound.
jisoo chuckled at how cute of an angry cat jennie looks like.

"wae!!" jennie asked annoyed
"you look cute like an angry cat"
"am not"
"oh you are!!"
jennie said and snuggled more into her leaving no space between them.
"oh my! you are really clingy much"
"are you complaining Kim" jennie growled in a sleepy tone.

"Not at all, Jendeuk" Jisoo said smiling softly.
"Jendeuk!!" Jennie said backing away a little and locking eye contact on her.
"Yeah, coz you always stick to me like glue so Jendeuk!!" jisoo said bopping jennie's nose from her index finger.
Jennie giggled as she get back to snuggling jisoo.
"jendeuk, lets go we will be late for our classes"
"5 more minutes!!"
Jisoo sighed and tried to stood up after some struggles.

But Jennie was so clingy to her that she clings into her on her way to bathroom as they brushed there teeth together and went to do there morning routine.


Irene was in her student president office, she was deep in her thoughts when she heard a knock. she released a sigh and went to do her paperwork.

"Come in!"
Irene looked at the girl from head to toe and cleared her throat.
"Jisoo!! jihyo is not here meet her up after lunch time.
"N-No H-Hyunnie ... i m-mean president .... I want your help"

Irene raised an eyebrow on her looking suspiciously at her.
"you do know that am no help to you!! and still you are here"

"y-yes, Its really important"

"Its of no use , Jisoo"

"i'll do anything just for it"

Irene noded her head as she looked puzzled
"Take a seat first!! lets talk this out"


Jennie was near the notice board reading some information when she felt someone poke o her left shoulder. she looked to her left just then Someone whispered on her right ear . "Am Here, princess"

Jennie flinched in nervousness as she put her on hand on her chest to calm her racing heart. 

"Kim Jongin!! Never do that again" She told him angrily while he chuckled.

"Oh come-on jen! you are so fun to tease"

"By the way all the best, Are you ready for our Project presentation"

"Yes Captain , Am all prepared all thanks to you "

Jennie smiled at him .

"So i have to ask you something!" Kai said nervously, Jennie hummed to let him continue.

"i would like to take you on a dinner date today........Its a dinner to say thanks from my side" He said rubbing his nape from embarrassment as he blushed a little.

"Uhmmm... Kai its so thoughtful of you but i can't, i always do my dinner with Jisoo. Am Sorry"

Kai felt annoyed after hearing Jisoo's name from jennie's mouth. It seems like a poison to him.

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