Part 4: Conversations

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Warning ⚠️: read it at your own risk
#blood #physical abuse #violence will be a part of this part. please skip if you get triggered by it.

    The night was chilly giving goosebumps to skin, a door was being opened slowly without making any noise. Door slowly opened with a screech sound the room was quiet & dark. the girl entered tip-toeing removing her shoes and placing it into shoe rack then entering the living room. she jumped a little with a scary expression when she heard "You are late again Chu!! " said the girl sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped on her.

"Gosh Lisa!! don't scare me like that, I can get a heart attack" Jisoo said while approaching the kitchen to settle food takeout and taking out Plates & utensils ".
Laughing lightly with soft concerning look Lisa said " Again took a shift of others, how many times i have told you to not overwork"

"And I have told you not to wait for me" while setting up the table to dine. Lisa stood up from the couch & approach the mini fridge to take out the two Choco milk & settled herself in dining table with jisoo.

"Am saying again don't...."

"I can't help it, i don't wanna eat alone" cutting jisoo off starting eating with a huffing sound.

Jisoo cannot help but smile at her friend, who was always with her at Good & Bad times, through thick and thin. she won't be here if not for her
"ok lets eat!! "

"I noticed you skipped 2 of your classes chu"

"I had some important work to do" while sipping her Choco milk. Lisa can't help but show concern for her friend but she ignored the feeling to ask about it.

"Chu , its ok to rest & calm yourself at least take time for yourself , can't you stop overworking, you don't even need to work  you know thi....."

"Lisa yah, can we not talk about it, every time you would ask my answer will be the same. I will try my best, work hard & Try again" she whined

"Its not your fault unnie" lisa whispered not to make the older girl sad.

'why are you tiring yourself again? '

But the older girl heard it clear knowing that younger girl is also suffering because of her she really don't have the energy to fight with her so to change the topic jisoo said "so, you made friends today ....huh!  what was her name🤔 .....aah yes , chaeryeong" pointinh her spoon to lisa.

"Park chaeyoung! unnie ...CHAEYOUNG "lisa emphasized. Jisoo gigledd a little.
"Yes, i got to know about her, basically she and Jennie unnie grew up in orphanage which is located in the outskirts of the city. they got scholarship here and jennie unnie is the one who got a tie with you to. they both are really impressive" lisa said with the dreamy eyes and an idiot smile on her face.

"Yah!! drop that smile lisa you look like a fool, so jennie kim uh huh !!" jisoo smirked by thinking of her which didn't go unnoticed by lisa.
"huh nothing" and continued eating while eyes on her plate.
"tell me please, tell me! tell me!!"
"gosh lisa stop shouting at the middle of the night. its just that Jennie kim asked me a stupid question" earning a curious eyes of younger jisoo told her "She thought that you n me were a couple" Lisa gasped dramatically and threw small punches to Jisoo who was laughing hard.

"unnie you are really ruining my reputation, Oh god if she thinks like that does that mean chaeyoung probably thought about that" while making a crying face. then she said in a serious face "Kim Jisoo, stay 3 feet away from me from now on, i don't wanna make a wrong impression on anyone"
laughing hard jisoo said "oh please you can't even stay away from me, you can't resist my charm baby," pouting a little and then broke into laughing hard.
Lisa smiled adorably seeing Jisoo like that " you are right no one can resist your charm."
'i missed the sound of your laugh chu you should laugh more'

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