Part 46: Feelings Mutual

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         Jennie was feeling helpless as alcohol in her system was kicking in, her body was giving up on her as Kai's body weight was getting heavy on her making her suffocate and uncomfortable .

But soon she felt a cold air hit her and as a lavender scent engulfed her surrounding. Her heart felt relief.

Jisoo just pushed drunk Kai away from Jennie. Kai stumble a little, being in drunk state, he tried to punch jisoo.
"not again, Kim Jisoo!" kai said in annoyance
But jisoo dodged him and punched him on the face and his stomach.

"stay away from her, do you understand me" Jisoo coldly said as she punched him making him lie on the floor.

Jisoo then rushed towards Jennie who was sobbing silently. she covered Jennie with her jacket as she picked her up in bridal style and took a back door exit to not make a scene.

Jennie's vision was blurry she couldn't make sense of her surrounding but when a protective arms engulfed her into its embrace. she felt warmth , secured and safe. She felt like home.

Jisoo entered her room with jennie as she put her in bed. she then went to the bathroom and came back with a warm tub of water and a face towel and cleaned sweats and make-up on jennie's body. she changed her clothes to a comfortable one and covered her with a duvet.

Jisoo was about to step away from her when jennie tiredly tugged her tshirt as she started sobbing silently

"d-don't go , C-Chu!!"
"hey !! am here, right here by your side"Jisoo said sitting by her side and caressing her hair.
Jennie just moved her body near jisoo and wrapped her arms around her waist tightly like her life depends on it.

Jisoo just protectively put arms around her as her left hand was drawing circles on her back to calm her down in a soothing motion while her right hand was playing with her hair caressing it. She didn't when they both felt asleep .


Seulgi and Irene were on there way back to there room , It was mostly seulgi was drunk and irene was taking her to there room. when she tucked seulgi beside her. seulgi said in her drunken state.

"am happy for Rosé but am unhappy for jennie"

"Because your sister is a coward, she won't even chase her girl"

Irene giggled at her reaction.
"don't worry about her seul"

"aish, i get irritated with both of them sometimes, they are such a slowpoke. if jennie would leave for states what would Jisoo do? would she just be a coward! " seulgi mumbled and drifted to her sleep but caught every word.
It made her mind puzzled into thinking about them.


When jennie woke up she felt a severe headache, she clutched her head in her hands to compress the pain.
"hey you ok, drink this up it will help" jisoo said coming towards her with a medicinal water in a glass.
Jennie looked up at her, she quickly pulled jisoo into a hug, tearing up a little.
"hey its ok, am here" jisoo said while putting the drink at bedside table and hugged jennie

"thanks for saving me, You always tried to warn me but i kept ignoring it" jennie said between her sobs

"Its ok Jendeuk, am sorry i was late" jisoo said feeling guilty
"No you weren't" she sobbed hard

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