Part 36: Piano Genius

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Irene turned to the nearest wall where she took support from it she slid her back and crouched down to sitting position as she closed her eyes and smiled bitterly as a tear rolled down her eyes.

Irene chuckled as she remember the memory of her childhood memory when she learned how to play Piano.


Little Irene was being blindfolded by Little Jisoo as Instructed by Miss Bae doona.

"mom do i have to put Blindfold on me"
Irene complained as little jisoo giggled.

"Of-course, we had to make it fun, right chu!"
Ms Bae said with excitement as she hi-fived jisoo.

"And done, hyunnie lets go!! lets go!!" Jisoo said after tying the blindfold on her and kissed Irene's cheek. she pulled Irene with her small hands.

"Chu !! slowly, i can't see right now!" Irene complaint loudly.

"Chu slow down don't hurt your sister" miss bae said making jisoo nodding her head furiously and obeyed.

after few minutes Irene felt she entered a big room.

"Open the blindfold baechu!!" Jisoo said as excitement is filled in her voice.

Irene opener her eyes slowly while adjusting to light. the first thing she saw was jisoo who was jumping up and down in excitement then her eyes went to the black piano placed in the. middle of there room.

Irene eyes sparkled as she went near it and took a seat.

Irene eyes sparkled as she went near it and took a seat

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Jisoo was jumping as she pulled miss bae near piano.
"Hyunnie, pwease play the music you played for me in school. I want mom to listen to it"Jisoo asked her

" Yes Joohyun, chu was begging me for weeks to buy a Piano for you. she also selected this piano for you" Ms bae said while laughing lightly.

" did you?" irene asked her playfully while ruffling jisoo's hair.

"yeshh, now play it, Pwlease"jisoo said smiling.

"Please take your seats" irene said

Ms bae took a seat on a nearby Chair while little jisoo went near ms bae and climbed to her lap and sat there comfortably.

"Mom, One day i'll also learn it. Then I will play it along with Hyunnie" Jisoo said smiling ear to ear.

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