Part 34: The Perfect Guy

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It was there Lunch time , SNU cafeteria was loud with people talking and eating there lunch while here were Lisa and Rosé bickering sitting beside jisoo as usual who was just eating her lunch peacefully not minding the maknaes.

Soon Cafeteria was full with hooting, Gasps and shouts, the three looked at the direction people were looking at .

"Oh My Gohd!!" lisa with her loud noise said
while Rosé had her mouth hanged open.

" what is she doing with her?" Lisa scrunched her nose in annoyance.

Jisoo was clenching her fist tight while gritting her teeth in anger when she saw Jennie, who tripped herself, in the middle of the cafeteria but strong hands hold her timely and didn't let her fall it was none other than KIM JONGIN aka KAI.

The guy, who has the perfect body, perfect moves in dance, perfect in sports overall a perfect guy who hates KIM JISOO.

Jennie thanked him for his help and went to join Lisa, rosé and Jisoo.
she sit beside jisoo and nudged her with the elbow.

"whats going on Kim?"she asked but to her avail the maknae's were the one counterd her with there questions.

"what were you doing with kai, unnie?" " unnie he was hot!" "Unnie are you two dating?" " Unnie how did you two met?" " Unnie why him I don't Like hi—-"


Jisoo raised her voice a little so that the maknaes would stop pestering Jennie.

"Calm your asses, I just tripped and was about to fall but he helped me" Jennie said calmly while eating her lunch Lisa nodes her head.

But Rosé was giving her a teasing look so she answered.
"and to answer your questions, He is my classmate and a project partner in one of my subject so don't interpret anything"

Jennie then turned her head towards Jisoo who was playing with her food as her mind was somewhere else.

Jennie nudged her with the elbow to get her attention.

" Have you heard about the Field Trip chu? Its been finalized " jennie asked when jisoo looked at her direction and nodded.
"Good am excited to go with you guys" jennie said as she placed an arm around Jisoo's shoulder.
"Me too" Rosé too excited said
Jisoo put Jennie's arm away from her gently and said "I might not be coming"

"WHAT!!" both Rosé and Jennie raised there voice on her.
Jisoo sighed and said "Its just a field trip and nothing else . And i have been there many times . But you should go without me its your first field trip anyway"

"Never, you are going with us kim" Jennie said seriously which made her afraid a little.
"I'll t-think about it"

"No you are coming with us and that's final... end of discussion " jennie said. Jisoo just Face-Palmed herself while both Rosé and Lisa laughed at them.

Irene was watching them from a far with a straight face.

"You noticed it too huh"

Irene flinched when she heard Krystal from behind approaching her.

She scrunched her face.
"What are you talking about!" Irene asked

"Don't tell me you didn't notice Jisoo's behavior changing day by day"

"So what!!"

" I mean It was only you who had control over Jisoo but now she has Jennie Kim, Look at Jisoo she look like a lost puppy around that girl. You saw how she didn't asked Jisoo to join the field trip. She ordered her."

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