Part 27: Down for It and Count Jeongyeon In

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        After Mr Kim left the hospital, doctor went back to nanny's room. He did a routine checkup on her but flinched by her sudden voice.
"you know i always though doctors are An Avatar of GOD but you proved me wrong" she said in her low voice. doctor seems nervous "and why is that"
"please help me , help my daughter, i won't tell anyone about it please let her live a normal life don't let her die"
doctor seems worried and was sweating with nervousness "what are you talking about miss"
"i know about everything doctor, please help me i won't cause any problem to you, don't let them kill the innocent child, she has just entered the world" Nanny said sobbing.
doctor came near her smiling sadly " Am sorry miss, i know you have suffered enough, Mr Kim offered me to kill your child but i can't do that so i promise to you that i will let your child live, am just waiting for the right moment so after my shift ends i will send her to an orphanage."
nanny got relieved hearing it.
"can i see my daughter for the last time doctor, i don't know how much i can survive, i just wanna see my child for once"

doctor nodded and told her that he would come in few hours with her child.

After doctors shift end he sneakily went to new born baby's ward and picked up nanny's baby. He then entered Nanny's room.
"look who's here" doc said giving nanny the child.

Nanny look at her daughter lovingly its her first and the last time to meet the child she couldn't help but to admire her feature while the baby was slept in her embrace with a small smiling face.

"You look so precious , beautiful, You will be loved by everyone my child, an sorry i cannot give you the love that you need by a mother. I want you to know that I Love You the most in this world,
I wish you good health, Even in the darkness you will shine the brightest. You will be loved by everyone, You will get everything good health good wealth and lots of love , my precious daughter. You will be known by Kim Jisoo to this world"
she kissed the child eyes and then her forehead and then passed her to doctor with a letter and a debit card.
"This is my only savings i want you to take half money for yourself from this and should donate half to the Seoul Sanitarium & Hospital Orphanage . Please take her there and give this letter to the head director of the orphanage.

"I'll take care of it but you don't have to give money to me, i'll give your savings to the orphanage only, i would look it as a punishment for my sins that i have committed"
Nanny nodded and doctor left with the child.


<Back to Present>

"wait thats the same orphanage i was in" Jennie said gasping.
"yeah !! me n rose are from the same orphanage, how can i not remember her"
"it could be because Ms Bae adopted her at early year she was adopted when she was 3years old"
" she was really loved by the family, specially by grandpa Kim. he adored her the most he would do anything to make her smile, she was the Maknae of the family so she was pampered the most . only Mr Kim was the one who hated her the most until now. Jisoo always craves for his attention but that old hag always gives her cold shoulders .
Irene and jin also loved her, they were always fighting for her attention back then .

but it changes after grandpa Kim left the world. Jisoo was so affected by it that she always cry silently but mrs Kim & ms bae were always by her side. Grandpa Kim left his will where it was written that Mr kim will look out for the Kim group as a CEO until all the kids turned as an adult. Jin and Irene will get 30% of the share while Jisoo will get 40% after jisoo will turn 19.  they can only claim it and transfer the shares if they don't claim it then it will be donated to trust."

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