Part 51: My Women

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Jisoo smiled.

"You can start am all ears" Jennie said looking up to her and giving a peck on her lips.

" I-I am feeling h-happy right now"
Jennie smiled but her eyes showed concerned for jisoo as she continued

" A-And i am a-afraid of t-this f-feeling"
"everything that is happening has a reason and i believe its for good" jennie said looking at jisoo's vulnerable condition.

"Yeah i do believe it. It's obvious to be afraid of it. But what we can do is to enjoy these small moment of happiness"
Jisoo looked at her softly as she leaned in to kiss her.

The kiss was gentle as there lips were moving in sync.

Jennie parted away a little from the kiss due to lack of oxygen. she leaned her forehead touching it with jisoo's forehead while breathing heavily .

"I don't know what are you doing to me Jennie kim" Jisoo said catching her breath.

Jennie's smile widened when she heard it, "Me too , I also don't know"

"You jennie kim are the only one who makes my heart beating stop. And you are also the only one who makes my heart beat faster than Usian bolt"
Jisoo said sincerely while snuggling to jennie placing her head on her shoulder. She sniffed her body scent to relax as she put her arms around Jennie's waist.

Jennie giggled, "You have no idea effect you have on me! chu!"

Jisoo only hummed as jennie kissed her forehead.

"You are the only thing i look up to. Every day, I want to wake up with you, i want to eat share my food with you that i would cook. I want to roam around the streets holding your hand , I want to—" Jennie stopped her dreamy lines when she hear light snoring from jisoo.

Jennie chuckled lightly, as she looked up to her, "I want to be your happy pill Kim Jisoo."

she said and kissed her forehead as she also drifted to sleep.


Irene was lying on Seulgi's bed in her dorm with a crop top and shorts, looking at the ceiling deep in thoughts where she felt a sensation on her stomach as she moan lightly , "mhmmm! seul !"

Seulgi who was in a br and a sweat pants was kissing her bare stomach with an evil smirk. she looked up to Irene who was moaning lightly.

"You know i can just drop you at Kim mansion if you wanna stare at the ceiling whole day"
seulgi said towering her as she traced her body with her light kisses.

She kissed her from her flat stomach to her chest and then to her jaws till she went to her corner of lips as she pulled away.

"you're jealous of the ceiling now" Irene said teasingly.

"what can i say you are intimidated by them"seulgi stared at her with dark orbs filled with lust

"Then distract me" Irene said with a wicked smile. As she felt seulgi slamming her lips into hers hungrily.

but got interrupted when they heard a familiar shout


both looked up at each other with horror.

"Lisa!!" both said at the same time as they both immediately got dressed up and wear there coats and then went towards Lisa's dorm.


Lisa came out of her room to kitchen to grab some water, but got terrified when she saw a figure in dark kitchen with no lights on.

she screamed, "AAAAAAAA!!!"

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