Part 28: Annoy you for Lifetime

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The sun shine bright this morning sending sunlight from the window into the room where two bodies were sleeping on the bed. Jennie opened her eyes when the sunlight hit her face. She met with a sleeping beauty beside her who had one of her hand tightly clutched between her both hands. Jennie leaned a little and kissed her forehead.

"Beautiful as always" Jennie whispered to herself and went to bathroom to do her morning routine.


Jisoo was in deep slumber when she felt a heavy weight above her. she winced in pain slightly as her body was still aching after the beating she took in the locker room

"Uggh... Lisa!!"

"Wake up sleepy head" Lisa playfully woke her up who didn't realise jisoo was groaning in pain

"can you be normal geez you have a girlfriend already & why are you up so early" she said in sleepy and husky voice.

"Chu its already 7:40 am You are late today!! and it never happened in a lifetime. so i was concerned if you are ok " Lisa said getting up from above her. Jisoo sat up in bed lazily then her eyes went wide. "What am late!!"

"Yeah now come out for breakfast, jennie made some pancakes"

Jisoo nodded and lisa left her. Jisoo went to Bathroom with difficulty as her body was aching so bad. she did her morning routine after that she secretly took pain killers and joined the girls in dining table.

"Good morning!" She greeted them

"morning unnie !! you are late today you had a good sleep i think." rose said excitedly with her mouth stuffed with food

Jisoo nodded her head in approval. Jennie put pancakes in Jisoo's plate.

"Jisoonie i have already hired Packers and movers they will come and do there work so don't worry by the time we all arrive in our dorm our stuff will be in our new rooms" Lisa said proudly

Jisoo nodded her head shoving the food in her mouth.

"Rosie!!" Jennie said to get her attention.

"Yes unnie"

"Am thinking of going back to the orphanage for this weekend"

"thats a great idea, can i also join you" rose asked receiving a nod from Jennie.

"Can i also tag along!!" Lisa said with an aegyo, making a pout puppy eyes.

"as long as you don't embarrass me by doing that, That's not cute" Jennie said pointing towards Lisa.

"What!! I am cute" Lisa whined looking at Jennie then at rose. Rose giggled and pecked her lips.

Jisoo made dramatic expression to vomit at Chaelisa making them laugh at her.

"Ok so This weekend its final we all are going there" Lisa said looking at Jisoo who just ended up eating the food. she perked her head up seeing all three girls were looking a her direction for an answer.

"uhmm.. ok" she answered and heard the maknaes screaming and dancing .
Jisoo just shook her head sideways with a small laugh.



after there classes, jisoo joined lisa , jennie and rose in cafeteria for lunch. " Have you taken the week off" Lisa asked looking at Jisoo

"Yeah I did ! so where is it located" Jisoo said looking at Chaennie.

"are you going somewhere?" asked Seulgi who joined them for lunch.

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