Part 71: Until The End

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        After few days, jisoo discharged from the hospital and was living with Nayeon and Jeongyeon. Her sister and frieds sometimes visit her to cheer her up.

But jisoo being jisoo was back to her old self shewoukd always be on her laptop or her phone. She would always lock herself up in her room or she would go out to have some fresh air.

The first few time when she webt out of the house. Jeongyeon and seulgi were spying on her to check if she would be ok by her self.

As they always found jisoo sitting on a park or near the cafe drinking coffee or sometimes she went to han river.

So they would leave after spying on her when they realised that she is safe and sound.

Its been a week since they don't follow her now a days.

Its midnight when everyone was sleeping. Jisoo went out of the house in her black hoodie and black joggers.

She felt some presense behind her as she look behind to find no-one.

"Hmm, maybe its my imagination. They already stopped following me!"jisoo murmured to herself.

She made her way towards han river. When she reached the river bank, she makes her way towards the grassy slope and  sat there near by river.

The wind was blowing cold as it hits her skin making her nose a little red. She closed her eyes as she again felt the presence around her. She knew who it is as she sighed tiredly. This time she called the person out.

"Come out Jen!" Jisoo said loudlymaking jennie startled as she was just behind a tree few meters away watching jisoo.

Jennie made her way towards jisoo and sat beside her leaving some space between them.

"What are you doing here at this hour?" Jisoo asked with a cold voice still not looking at jennie.

Jennie looked at her and replied, "i can ask you the same question Chu!"

"Why are you doing this to me jen!"
"Jendeuk! Call me jendeuk its better then jen" jennie requested

Jisoo scoffed a little, "don't be childish and go home."

"I will not untill you will ljsten to my explanation first. I want tp clear --"

" i don't need your explanation can't you see. LEAVE ME ALONE" Jisoo raised her voice.



"I PROMISED THAT I WON'T LEAVE YOU AND I WILL NOT . GET THAT IN YOUR FUCKING MIND." Jennie shouted making jisoo a little shocked at the revealation.

"I dont wanna leave you and i won't leave you. Got it."

Jisoo nodded her head  a little in response.

"Good. Now listen to my explanation one last time. After that its up to you how you want to deal with it!" Jennie said looking at her with wattery eyes .


Jennie explained everything to jisoo about how Kai played with her. How he manipulated things around her and misunderstanding happened.

After the explanation no one said anything. Jisoo's expressions were blank and jennie couldn't pin-point what was jisoo thinking.

After few minutes of silence jennie took something out from her pocket. She grabbed Jisoo's onehand and plced it on her palm.

Jisoo scrunched her nose and asked , "whats this?"

" see it yourself!" Jennie said nervously

Jisoo opened the letter and read it.

"I-Is it real!" Jisoo asked with wide eyes open

Jennie nodded with a small smile

"Its good then you should go!"

Jennie looked at her with a bitter smile as she sighed took out a plane ticketand placed in Jisoo's palm.

"I wanted to spend my lifetime with you Kim Jisoo. Without you everything seems dull. Come with me.

I don't know if everything's OK between us. But i will be there for you chu. And you told me to be with me. I'll give you some space to think about it.

I'll wait for you untill the end" jennie said as she leaned her head to place a soft kiss on Jisoo's cheeks.

"I hope to see you there chu!" Jennie stood up and left.


The morning came, when nayeon wake up at 7am beside jeongyeon sleeping soundly. She kissed her on her forehead as jeongyeon smiled with her closed eyed still sleeping soundly. Nayeon didn't woke  didn't woke her up and did her morning routine.

After that she went to make some breakfast but shocked with the sight as she saw how jisoo was sleeping soundly on the couch.

She sighed as she pulled a blanket over jisoo. She noticed her face as her eye bags can be seen in her pale face, snatching up the light on her face.

She caressed her hair. As she also didn't woke her up. She then went to kitchen to make breakfast.


Irene was at seulgi's dorm, she stood in the balcony as she was enjoying the view by leaning on the railing. Soon she felt cold hands sliding to her waist.

She smiled as she hummed,

"I was looking for you everywhere, and all this time you were here" seulgi said as she hugged her from the back and slide her hands inside the top of irene.

She started distributing sloppy kissed on her neck as irene released a soft moan.


there sweet moment was interrupted by the phone ringing. Irene picked up the call as she answered,

Meanwhile seulgi was still leavingkisses on her neck and rubbing her waist

"Yes! Are you sure!" Irene asked on the phone as her voice gets serious making seulgi halted on her move as she looked at irene with curiosity.

"Ohk we will be there tomorrow! Thanks"

Irene cut tge call as she sighed.
"Who was it!" Seulgi asked.

"It was the Lawyer, he asked for the presence of us tomorrow" irene said

"Its gonna be fine joohyun-nie! Do you want me to accompany you tomorrow!" Seulgi said as she kjssed her forehead.

"No need seulgi! I'll handle it" irene said as she hugged her tightly.


ENDING IS NEAR. Gear yourself up. 👹

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