Part 73: Forgot to add, "WORST"

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"Not so fast!"
Jin said entering the elevator. As both glare at each other.
"Now what was it back there and what did irene told you?" Jin said with a cold voice.

"She told me to sign it. Thats all!" Jisoo said with same cold voice.

"Uhuh! I want the truth chu! The actual truth!" Jin said gritting his teeth with anger as he grabbed her by shoulders tightly.

Jisoo sighed heavily, " Irene's kidnapped. The kidnaper told me to sign the papers and make you sign it too"

"What! Who is he? And where are you going? To meet them alone!"

Jisoo looked away from his gaze and said, "Lee Kyong-Young"

Jin gasped lowly as he stared with wide eyes in horror as he said
"And you were going solo, to that devil himself. Do you have any idea what can hap--"

"More than anyone i know who he is and what he is capable of. Irene's safety is at stake"

Jin took out a pen, which has a gps installed in it which he used for tracking Mr kim's whereabouts. He gave the pen to jisoo

"Here take this , now i can track you. We are in this together. Ill be behind you with the backup."

"Its dangerous jin, don't involve yourself in i--"
"Yah! I already know that"
Jisoo sighed as she said
"Whatever happen don't do anything stupid. Just call the police for backup after 15 minutes when I'll leave.

Am i clear! "

Jin didn't respond to her but he ran his hand through her hair in frustration.
"Am i clear!" Jisoo asked raising her voice a little. Jin gave her a frustated nod. As he can't do anything to help her.

Elevator door opened, and both stepped out. Jin turned to opposite direction as he walked two steps merely when he felt two soft hands around her waist giving him a back hug.

"Oppa! Sorry. Its all because of me. Bear a little more and hyun will be back"

Jin shake his head as a tear roll down his cheek."i want my both sister to come back safe and sound. I promise to be there on time and will protect you this time."

Jisoo then released the hug as jin turned again to face her. Jisoo smiled as she take her leave keeping the pen in her pocket.

When she went out of the gate, she was pushed into a van harshly by some masked goons. And they went off.


Jin watches with glistened eyes when jisoo leaving his eyesight. Just in time, mr kim interupted with stern voice, "what are you doing here jin, prepare yourself we have an urgent meeting with the investors to deal with"

Jin scoffed as he turned to face him, "you really are Dad of the year ... oh sorry i forgot to add 'WORST'. You must be feeling proud when jisoo signed the papers right!" He said mocking him a little.

"What are you saying? I did all these for you and irene! You brat! I did this so you and irene Don't have to work this hard. You both could be the Co-Ceo --" Mr kim scolded him

"And you being the Vice president, By stooping so low! You were so into getting all this asset and power from her that you forgot you released that bastard who killed Miss Bae and now he has kidnapped irene and is now blackmailing jisoo! All that because of your greedy ass"

"What!" Mr kim mumbled under his breath

" isn't it like a deja-vu like years ago, when miss bae and jisoo were kidnapped! Isn't that a coincidence, with same people involved in it! what would you say mr kim?"
Mr kim cleared his throat as he said," don't worry we will get back irene. She won't be harmed! Don't take tension. Prepare for the meeting. I'll look into this matter"

Jin laughed a little, "you really are something, mr kim. I used to worship you. You were my idol but i guess i was blinded. I can't do this anymore. I QUIT! "
"What!" Mr kim asked in shock.
"I quit mr kim! Congratulations on getting the Kim empire and also loosing a son today!"jin said as he turned and leave while fishing out his phone and calling the backup.


When Jisoo was seated in the van she was asked for her phone which she gave them. The goons threw her phone out of the car and blindfolded her and tied her wrist with the rope

Jisoo was silent all throughout the car ride. Until she felt the car stop.

They drag her out while her being blindfolded she was guided to the old warehouse.

Someone pulled her to a specific loaction, then everything went silent for a minute for her.

Then she heard foot step coning towards her. She felt someone behind her opening her blindfold.

She tried adjusting to the light when blindfold was removed. It was a sight of horror when she first met the person after all those years.

"Its good to see you alfter so long. Kiddo!" Lee kyong young said with a smirk.

Jisoo who felt shiver in her spine, but still  tried to look unfazed by him. She glared at him, "I am here now! Where is Irene? Release her!"

Lee kyong young laughed a little, "Ofcourse the sister. I thought you would be excited to meet me after so long.

Anyways, take her in!"

He motioned his men.

After few minutes, some men came dragging Irene with them.

Her clothes were ruffled, she had a small cut on her forehead where the blood was slightly oozing. There was also some blood oozing out from her right arm too.

Looking at her sight made jisoo anger while tears were uncontrollably rolling out. When irene saw jisoo,she straight went running towards her. Caressing her face. Wiping her tears from her thumb irene whispered, "its alright! Am alright"

Jisoo shakes her head furiously, and whispered so only irene can hear her  "I'll get you out of here hyunnie!"

Irene lean forward so there forehead would touch as she was getting emotional.

Soon there precious moment was interupted when lee Kyong-Young dragged her away from jisoo.

"Enough with this drama. Am getting bored"

"I did what you told me, now release her she has nothing to do with you. You have me now as you wanted. I'll do whatever!" Jisoo raised her voice.

"Kiddo! You never learned didn't you! One can came here when i invite them and leave when i wish them to leave" he chuckled.


Incheon airport

Jennie went out of the car with rosé and lisa beside her with there bags.

"You ok!" Rosé asked seeing gloomy face on jennie. Jennie nodded her head as  they stepped inside of the airport.

They went to the boarding line to get there boarding tickets.
Lisa who noticed the gloomy and dull behavior of jennie asked her, " jennie unnie! Are you sure about this!"

Jennie nodded
"I am! We waited for this moment right! Lets go" she said with a small smile on her face.

When it was jennie's turn to board her ticket, she said politely
"One boarding ticket for New York, Please"


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