Part 33: Irresistible

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"Who fucking did this ?"

Jisoo who was in a sports bra and was choosing a tshirt to wear for night , heard lisa's loud angry voice she turned around to see her with her eyes wide open in shock.
Jisoo register the situation and ran towards her to lock the door and pull her inside.

"EXPLAIN!!" she loudly said looking at jisoo's body.
"Lisa are you all right?" seulgi shouted as she knocked there door. Jisoo's body stiffened and gave Lisa a sad look as she shook her head as a NO.

Lisa sighed and said " we are alright seul, don't worry"
"are you sure!!"
"Yes, sorry to disturb you"
"ok good night, Lis"
"good night"
jisoo then turned her feet to walk away but was stopped by lisa as she pull her by her arm.
"oh no!! you aren't going anywhere without explaining it!! how did this to you.... this looks brutal " lisa said as she roan her hands on Jisoo's bruises on her stomach where it already turned purple.
"it's old and doesn't hurt , don't worry lis—-owww" lisa touched one of her bruise harder as jisoo winced in pain.
"yeah right, it doesn't look old to me , looks finda fresh about 3-4 days ...when ? and how?" lisa asked her with a hint of worry in her voice.
"it was after one of football practice at locker room—"
"who did this, was it from our team"
"no.....i don't know"
"what do you mean ' i don't know'?" lisa frowned at her.
"I couldn't saw who did that to me" Jisoo said lowering her head.

Lisa looked at her disappointed .she went to bathroom to look for first aid kit but couldn't found one.
"stay here !! don't move!!" Lisa went downstairs as she found one of the staff of orphanage so she asked for the First aid kit. the staff asked to follow her. As they went to the store room near kitchen premises, where every medicine and herbs are stored.
Lisa took first aid kit and an ointment. but before she could leave Irene startled her coming from behind her.
"what do you need it for lisa!"
"Oh nothing unnie, i w-was playing with kids but i think i got some bruises. so i need to treat them, its just small bruises from playing sports ... no big deal" Lisa said nervously as irene's intense gaze was on her.
Irene nodded her head and left saying to take some rest.
"Phew... that was intense"
Lisa then went to her room. she found jisoo sitting in front of Mirror watching herself in daze.
Lisa pulled her gently by her wrist and made her sit in bed. then she applied ointment to the bruises.
Jisoo was bitting her lower lip as she refrain herself from making any noise due to pain she was suffering , As Lisa was applying the medicine on her.

"ughh...lisa" lisa looked at her and mouthed sorry but continues her work.

"and done" lisa said and tucked jisoo in bed.
"thanks lisa"
"am gonna put there life in hell who did this to you!!" lisa said coldly while tucking herself beside jisoo on bed.
Jisoo looked at her lovingly " don't worry, it won't ever happen again—"
"and i'll make sure of it" lisa said gritting her teeth.
"anger doesn't suit you. now sleep tight lisa" jisoo said while snuggling closer to Lisa. as lisa protectively placed her arms around her saying good night to her.


Morning came and everyone was ready to leave the orphanage, atmosphere was gloomy, as the gang had to leave.

"thanks for all your help, the kids enjoyed your stay, please feel free to visit us" mother sol said.
"of course, mother sol, we had to come back to eat your delicious food" seulgi said and everyone laughed at her remarks.

"We will visit you soon mother sol" Jisoo said sincerely. 
"take care of yourself" mother sol said to them.

And they bid her good bye.

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