Part 41: Not In My Watch

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Jennie reached late at her dorm, alone with mixed feelings inside her heart. She did her ight routine. after that she tucked herself into bed and closed her eyes tiredly.

But Jisoo's image always came into her mind. She curled up in bed and picked her phone. She opened the new messages option for Jisoo. She wanted to write something for jisoo but couldn't get a word to type down.

After few minutes she sighed and went to sleep.


Next Morning when she woke up, the first thing she did was to look for Jisoo. she went to knock on her room. seeing no response she entered the room to find the place exactly same as it was left before by its owner. She then checked the Living room and Kitchen.

Jennie's heart sank when she realized Jisoo hadn't been home since last night. She then entered Chaelisa's dorm. She found them in kitchen being Lovey dovey as they both greeted her.

" Good morning Unnie!!" Both Rose and Lisa said happily.

"Morning, Lisa uhmm.. Jisoo hasn't been home since last night. Can you check out on her"

Lisa knowing her unnies had a fight she agreed to help them by givving her a nod . she then took out her phone and called Jisoo. She put the phone on speaker when Jisoo picked it up

"Unnie !!"

"Why are you so loud in the morning , Lisa!!" Jisoo groaned in a sleepy voice. Lisa Giggled knowing Jisoo is alright by just listening to her voice. Jennie gestured her to ask about Jisoo's whereabouts.

"Where are you? Why didn't you returned home yet!! Aish..Are you working overtime" Lisa said with a hint of anger and annoyance in her voice.

"No Lisa!! Am with Yeon!!"

Jennie was feeling relieved when she hear jisoo was ok.

"YOU DIDN"T TELL ME BEFORE, YOU ALL ARE TOGETHER—" Lisa shouted in shock and was interrupted by Jisoo.

"Lisa! You are too Loud .. .. Haish ... They just picked me up from my shift last night! Now don't shout ill be back soon"

"Wait a minute , aren't you coming to campus"

"No Lisa but i will be back soon"

Jennie's heart sank at the thought of not seeing jisoo the whole day.

"Should i pick you up at night"

"No Need, Now gotta go you disturb my sleep."

"Ok bye chu" Lisa cut the phone and faced Jennie who was looking gloomy so she eyed Rose to help her out.

Rose got the hint and asked Jennie, " Unnie, why don't i make you pancakes today, After the classed let pick up Jisoo unnie"

Jennie just nodded in response.


Nayeon opened the door of the private room in the hospital. where Jisoo who had her head bandaged and some bandages were on her ribs while there were some purple bruises in her face and stomach .

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