Part 47: Camping

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Jisoo's blood boil seeing Kai in front of them. She bolted fast upon him and grabbed his collar and was about to hit him when jennie stopped her.
"Chu stop!! don't do this"

Jisoo stopped and loosened her hold on his collar, while kai was looking at her sadly with a guilt in his eyes.
"am sorry for what i did last night"
"You should be!" jisoo stated as she shoves him a little.
Jennie just stood beside jisoo.
"Am sorry jennie, I was drunk and i was not in my senses, please forgive me." he said looking at jennie he came near her.
Jisoo came between them,
"I said stay away from her, we don't want to create a scene"
Kai just put his hands up in defense, "Ok ok, but please forgive me jennie it wasn't my intention"
"Its ok Kai, I forgive you"
jisoo looked back at her in disbelief while kai smiled brightly, " Thanks jennie"

"but it doesn't make things between us good, am not comfortable around you, so please consider to behave and give some space" jennie said coldly.

jisoo just smirked at kai,  "You heard her now leave"
and kai left.


Teachers gathered the students for the announcement

"Everyone please gather around, we are gonna start the trek there will 1 person each who will lead the group, but the main responsibility will be for the the person on the last so look out and help your teammates,
To make this fun,  2teams who will be last to reach will have the punishment to prepare the food for tonight."

everyone cheered as they started the trek.
it was difficult for jennie as her stamina is low from the team.

"Ughh... how much longer?" she whinned
"Unnie we have a long way up, It will take us time" Rosé said
"but am already tired" jennie replied tiredly

"Lets take some rest then"
Jisoo suggested as she handed a water bottle to jennie.

"we are taking to many breaks, and we are in the last now, even the nerds are far away from us" lisa complained.
jihyo just sighed and looked at jisoo with a knowing look and said
"You know this area much better than us, then Do something jis!"

Everyone looked at jisoo with a pleading look.
"I know a shortcut ...but"
"No buts we should take it" lisa whined
"Yes unnie we should"rose chirped up to

"But that shortcut is very hard and it's really a rough path to follow"
everyone looked at each other then gave a small nod and said
"I choose the shortcut" Lisa said raising a hand
"me to" rose said joining her and also raised a hand
"me three" Jihyo also raised her hand
"me four" jennie also raised her hand.

Jisoo face palmed herself.
" don't complain me later, follow me"

and everyone followed her.


Kai with his team were halfway to the top. they took a break waiting for other team to join them for break too. he looked back in search of Jennie but couldn't spot her. he looked puzzled but ignored it.

soon red velvet team arrived as they took rest opposite them. Kai took this opportunity to annoy them as he stared at Irene with a smirk.

"what!" she asked coldly

"Nothing!! its just you would be happy to hear that your sister ..oops !!sorry !! step sister and her team will be last. They will serve the punishment"

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