Part 23 : Pancake and Karma

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While Rose and Lisa were having there time of there lives, On the other location there was jisoo who was studying in her shift at night as there were no customer.

The bell rings above the door indicating a customer, jisoo looked at the door to find Jennie entering the store.

"hey!!" she greeted her with a smile
"hi chu" Jennie greeted her kissing her cheeks .

"so why are you here at this hour, where's Lisa today"
"aren't you happy seeing me here?" jennie said pouting her lips.
"stop that!! am happy i got to see another face . am getting bored seeing her every night" jisoo stated while giggling.

"ohk lets eat" Jennie closed her books and dragged her near the tables and took there seats .

"wow, bibimbap with dumpling" jisoo's eyes widen with excitement as she dig in. jennie just looked at her amused expression and giggled.

"slow down its all yours, eat slowly or it will—" jisoo started coughing as food got stuck in her throat.

"—get stuck"jennie said and run near her handling a water bottle and rubbing her back to calm her down.
"I told you to eat slowly" she warned her again
"sorry i couldn't help it, it's really good" jisoo said showing her a thumps up sign.
jennie just shook her head but stared outside the window where she caught a female figure at other side of road who was staring at them but left in her car.
'what is she doing here? and at this time , alone'

Jisoo noticed jennie's pained expression so she placed her hand above her and squeezed a little.
"hey everything alright" that broke jennie's transe she smiled at her and said
"yeah, i was just thinking of Rosie and Lisa"
"don't worry about them, i think they would be eating each other right no— oww" before jisoo could complete her sentence jennie hit her head making jisoo whined.
"well deserved!!" jennie said satisfied with her work seeing jisoo rubbing her head.


Kim Mansion

Irene entered the mansion late at night, the Mansion was dark and silent as she thought everyone was sleeping peacefully.
but the living room lights flickered open making her shocked but she gained her composure back and made a straight face.

"You are late rene" Mr kim in his cold tone said sitting on the sofa staring at her soul.
"indeed, why are you up late" she fired back with the same intensity.
"I was waiting for my daughter who was away from home at night without informing anyone" annoyance in his tone can be felt.
"then wait up as long as you want, i can't change your stubborn self. she ain't coming to you" she said and was taking steps towards the stairs but she stopped herself when she heard him again.
"right!! that brat caused so much damage between us irene, and am noticing that you becoming soft for her" he said with a hint of anger
" you can assume anything you want Mr kim i don't care about you and specially her"
" so you won't care if i hurt jisoo"
she tensed up but composed herself and turned her heals towards him and said
"her living or dead , won't be changing anything within us. you are just as much responsible as her and i will never accept you as my father nor this business " she spitted venom in her words

"ok then, i can't do anything to change your mind but by torturing her i can satisfy myself" he smirked.
"Can you do it? i think not!! she has great share in your business mr kim. and you know what would happen if she will use her share to her profit or shift her shares to mine" she smirks making his blood boil.

"You are a future heir of Kim groups , Don't forget you are a Kim and i'll do anything to make you join the company whether you like it or not" he flooded out his anger

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