Part 75: Epilogue

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          In a coffee shop at the airport where the aroma of coffee beans roam around the corner and the barista was brewing the coffee for the customers standing on line witha happy smile.

Then a Flash News came on the TV beside the counter on the wall which is visible to the customers .

' Breaking News, Last night the Swat Team did a silent invasion in an abondan warehouse near the sea port where one of the biggest criminal of south korea Kyong-Young had abducted two persons. They were severely injured. The officials already transferred them into Seoul National Hospital with utmost care.

Latest report says that the both kidnapped were girls and one can also be recognised as a Heir of Kim Group.

"Your Coffee miss!" The Barista offered with a smile .

But lisa was far from feeling the happy vibe she took a step back and went out running. She can also hear the faint sound of barista yelling 'miss you forgot your coffee'.

But she doesn't care less. She reached near Jennie and Rosé who were waiting for her as there flight got delayed because of some technical issues.

"U-Un-nie!" Lisa said while her words trembled.

Both rosé and jennieq looked at her with a confused look.

" what happen kisa are you ok? You went for coffee. what happen? " rosè questioned as she stood beside her and patted her arms.

Lisa couldn't think of words to explain as her mind was puzzled with new information.

"Breathe lisa!" Jennie said calmly to comfort the maknae.

Lisa was about to speak but the announcement cut her off.

"Please Note, the flight no A121D which was delayed before has ready to take off towards New York. I would request the passengers to come on board within 40 minutes"

"Lets go! Our flight is ready." Jennie said as she pick up her bags 🎒. Rosé did the same but stopped when she saw lisa didn't move from where she's standing with her gaze on floor.

"Lisa! Hurry up!" Rosé said

Lisa felt both Jennieq and rosé stareing at her. So she looked up to meet her gaze with moistered eyes.

"I ca-can't"

"What!" Jennie asked looking at her confused.

Lisa fished her phone11 out and searched for the news and showed it to bothq of them.

"I cc-an't! I-I can't leave her unnie. Jis-ssoonie... s-she...i can't ...." tears rolled down as she can't say more but the other two understand.

"Lets go then! She needs us" Jennie said and hugged lisa and rosé joined the hug.


Seoul National Hospital

    Both Irene and jisoo were in Intense care unit under VIP section. Jin was waiting outside with there friends. Nayeon and Jeongyeon with the help of namjoon looked that no more news won't breakout in the media.

They were in the waiting area when Seulgi phone rang up. She looked at the screen as she picked up.

"Seul where are you" Lisa's voice heard from her phone.

"huh! Where are you Lis?"
" in the parking lot"
"Wait there I'll send someone to fetch you"
And hang up the call. She sent jeongyeon and namjoon to fetch them. When the three arrived, all eyes were on them. Jin, Nayeon, Yeri, Wendy Seulgi & Joy came forward and hugged the three of them.

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