Part 63: It Took A Wrong Turn

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After practice Rosé and Lisa had dinner with Jisoo Jennie and seulgi at jensoo's dorm. After that everyone went to there respective dorms leaving Jennie and Jisoo behind. While Jisoo was cleaning the dishes in the kitchen, jennie went to bedroom to ready to go to bed and then went to take a shower.

After she came out of bathroom with wet hair , wearing a oversized t-shirt and shorts , suddenly Jisoo entered the bedroom after the cleaning as she saw how jennie looked good in the night outfit. She gulped.

Jennie who was watching how jisoo stood at a place with stiff body and mouth hanging as jisoo's eyes trailing her body.

Jennie laughed internally seeing the reaction of jisoo so she got an evil idea. She called out for her,
"Jisoo!" she called her softly receiving a hummm from jisoo she motioned jisoo to come closer with her index finger.

Jisoo couldn't move as she gulped the invisible lump in her throat. So Jennie took the initiative and slowly took steps near jisoo swaying her hips seductively.

She leaned closer to jisoo so that they are face to face leaving little space between them. She then leaned more closer as she whispered in her ear seductively with a low voice, "I can melt with this intensity gaze Kim!"
Her words made jisoo feel the heat rising her cheeks.
she slightly pushed jisoo making her fall in the bed.
"Cute!" jennie said as she giggled at her .

But jisoo caught her off guard as she pulled her by her wrist making jennie fall over her making her gasp.
Now jennie can fee the hot breath of jisoo on her lips. It was now her turn to blush.
"You are playing a dangerous game Kim!" Jisoo said making jennie turned into a red tomato.

Jisoo laughed internally while watching a flustered Jennie but it didn't last long seeing jennie's next bold move.

Jennie smashed her lips into hers, as she responded to it quickly.
Jennie moved her lips torturously slow making jisoo grunt as jennie bit her lower lip harshly earning a low moan from jisoo.

Jisoo's hand who was supporting her waist started moving as it traced her petite figure with her slender fingers.

They both can't resist much as there slow torture turned into the wild wet kisses leaving each other breathless.

But it turned them to be difficult to leave each other but it changed when jennie's hands roam above her chest. It made jisoo flinch making her push jennie a little.

Jisoo stood up as she run her left hand through her hair in embarrassment as she said a quick sorry. It left Jennie shocked once again, It wasn't the first time jisoo left her dumbfounded.

But Jennie had enough so before jisoo could leave her once again she caught her by her wrist.
"Don't!" Jennie warned her
"L-Let go Jennie" jisoo said vulnerably.
"Jisoo!" Jennie called her softly but to no avail jisoo was tearing up inside. she never seen her heaving hard and cry her eyes out.
"Let go off me! L-Let go"

"No! Jisoo i don't know what's going on with you right now but please don't push me away we can talk about it! " Jennie pleaded softly.

So many emotions were running in her mind, scared,Guilt,horror,Sad,Hurt,shocked,broken,— And many more but jennie's words made them all seem small.

as a tears run down her cheeks Jisoo took a step back making her stumble but jennie caught her on time as she pulled jisoo making her engulfed into a hug.

Jisoo's head was cradled on her chest and Jennie's arms were holding her securely in her embrace. Soon she felt hot tears on her tshirt, she felt her grip around her tightened.
"You know that i am always here for you chu!"
She felt jisoo nodding her head a little as she pulled her closer sharing the warmth of each other.

After few minutes when she felt jisoo's breathing got normal
"Do you trust me chu!" she asked cautiously as she backed away a little from the hug.

she pulled her face up with her index finger to meet her eye to eye glistening with tears.
"Chu! look at me and tell me Do you trust me?" Jennie asked her once again

Jisoo felt sincerity in her words so she nodded a little looking at jennie.
"Then tell me whats bothering you, Chu! Maybe i can help you out"

there eyes were locked as Jisoo felt sincerity and trust in her voice.

'Will you still be there for me! I don't know if i can handle it. But what am more afraid if you won't handle it. I can't loose you. But i guess i should come out clean to you' Jisoo though looking at her softly

"I have never told a-anyone about it, Not even my family, Family not even H-Hyunnie!" Jisoo said in a soft and scared voice.

Jennie showed a small smile on her lips as she cupped her face. "I told you before that you are stuck with me forever. and even in your dreams i will not leave you"

Jisoo smiled at how jennie was trying her best to make her comfortable.

Jisoo grabbed her hand and sat on bed gesturing her to sit beside her. Jennie went beside her and looked at her to start her story.

Jisoo then pulled her tshirt out so that she is now in her Bra only making Jennie look at her curiously.

"These ... T-These scars are with me since my childhood. It always remind me of my horrible past."
Jennie Intertwined her hands as she rub her thumb on her knuckles.

"I was an orphan when Miss Bae adopted me, She provided me everything the child could ever dreamed off, A dotting mother, not even one but Two(Two mothers referring to Miss Bae and Mrs Kim, Jin's mom) a sister, a brother and a grandmother who loves me dearly.

And you can say that a part of me went greedy in need of a father figure, which i always want to find in Mr Kim. But it took a wrong turn on that day when i go Kidnapped.

It was supposed to be only me.But the fate ... right...
Not only me Miss Bae got kidnapped that time"

Tears rolling down her cheeks as jisoo told her.

Jennie instantly cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears as placed jisoo's head on her shoulder for more comfort.

she wrapped her arms around her protectively.
Jennie knew it was a sensitive subject as jisoo is opening up her walls for her. So she asked her carefully
"Then what happen?"

Jisoo said as she chocked on her own words,

"T-Then I met..... H-Him for the.....f-first time"


Hope you enjoyed this short chapter, Next chapter will be past revealing done by yours truely POV OF Kim Jisoo 😈 
Please ignore grammatical errors.

Don't forget to vote and comment. And lets wait for snowdrop together.



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Bangsoo 😍

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