Part 68: Drug

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    When Jennie went downstairs, she couldn't find jisoo, but a confused Irene was waiting for her with Lisa and Rosé.

"What happen Jen!" Irene asked but Jennie ignored the question and asked about jisoo's whereabouts, "unnie where's jisoo?"

"She went outside" Lisa said. Jennie then rushed towards the exit. But it was too late as she saw jisoo taking a cab that drove away. Jennie tried running towards her direction but couldn't catch up as she was panting to catch her breath.


Jennie went to her dorm in search for Jisoo. With Chaelisa and seulrene behind her she searched in there dorms but she wasn't there neither in chaelisa's dorm nor in Seulgi's dorm.

"Jin! She isn't picking up my calls" Irene said while on the call with Jin.

"She isn't picking mine either, Irene!" Jin said from the other line

"Where could she be at this time?" Irene said worriedly

"Don't worry, am looking for her! She will be fine. I'll find her." Jin said and disconnected the call.

Irene looked tiredly towards others who were worried for jisoo, but Jennie was the worst. Irene doesn't want to get to the conclusion until she hear from both of them. It should be them celebrating the big win but how it back fired there happiness.

It was all silent for few minutes when Irene's phone rang again. She picked up with a tired sigh and said
"Hello nayeon! Can you please call later and in a middle of someth-"

"Un-nie! It's about jisoo!"

"Where is she? Is she with you? Tell me where you guys are?" Irene said frantically.

"Un-nie we are at Seoul medical centre. Ji-ji-Jis-soo......" Nayeon couldn't talk between her sobs so jeongyeon snatched the phone and informed irene
"Un-nie it's jeongyeon, we rushed in here to admit jisoo . Please come here fast"

The phone fell from Irene's grip, grabbing everyone's attention as tears rolled down from Irene's cheeks.


Seoul medical centre

   Nayeon and jeongyeon were sitting outside ICU when Irene, Seulgi, Lisa, Rosé and Jennie arrived.

Nayeon immediately stood up and hugged Irene tightly while crying silently.
"What happened to her nayeon?" Irene asked anxiously.

"Un-nie, she called me that she is coming to meet us. When she reached she was a little pale. I tried to check up on her but she declined. She was down so to lift her mood we decided to watch the movie. I sat between jisoo and jeongyeon. It would have been thirty minutes to the movie that her head rested. On my shoulder I thought she was tired so I didn't disturb her" nayeon said almost choking on her breath between her sobs.

Jeongyeon then rubbed her back to comfort her and said, "after the movie ended I got up to clove the tv when I took a quick glance at her, her nose was bleeding and was looking pale. So we hurriedly took her to the hospital and then informed you."

At that time, doctor came out of the ICU,
"Can I talk to the patient family !" He said

"Yes doctor am irene her elder sister, how is she!" Irene said immediately while looking at doctor.

"She is stable now ms Irene. But can I talk to your parents or any elder" doctor said

"Irene furrowed her brows a little, " am sorry doctor you can't as they aren't alive But you can share it with me"

"You can share anything related to jisoo with us doctor we all are responsible adult here. Am her elder brother" Jin came suddenly as he reached for a handshake from the doctor which he returned.


Both Jin and Irene went with doctor in his office. "Ok I want to inform you that she has been drugged heavily which causes damage to her system making her organs to work faster than the normal state, her body couldn't take the heavy load that's why she was in fragile state" doctor said

"She was drugged!" Irene mumbled in a confused manner

"Can I know what drug it was?" Jin asked
Doctor nodded and said, we tested the possibility within three drugs infusion but I can make a conclusion when the results will be out which I sent to my team"

"Thanks doctor!" Jin said
"I may take a leave now, I have to visit other patients. In the meanwhile, You can visit miss Kim"

Both Jin and Irene nodded.


The room was silent in which jisoo was admitted. When Jin and Irene entered they saw there friends tired state.

" You guys should go home I'll be with jisoo till then Take some rest and then visit her" Irene said

" I will accompany you." Jennie said in a low tone

" I don't even want you near her you du-"Jin charged towards her Making Jennie flinch  but was stopped by Irene

"Enough with this! I told you all to leave then leave. It's not the right time to fight"Irene said

After few minutes everyone left except Irene and Jennie .

Irene sighed looking at Jennie who was standing looking down.

"Can I stay a little longer, I'll leave. I promise"
Irene stared at her for few minutes when something popped in her mind, she went near her and grabbed her left hand

"Ok, but you have to come with me!"

Jennie looked up to her for the first time confused but still nodded her head


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Stay healthy and let's meet at the next chapter.

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