Part 54: Sister Date

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Jisoo with jennie lisa and rosé entered the University. Lisa and rosé parted there path as they have different classes leaving jisoo and jennie.

Everyone around them looking towards them or you can say there eyes were all on one person, Jisoo.

Jisoo always hate eyes filled with sympathy on her, It made her feel uncomfortable. She ignored them as usual and went to there respective classes.

Jennie and Jisoo took there seat beside each other. they can hear the whispering around her.

'she looks fine now !'
'yeah! she still got power in her hands'
'of course! she's a Kim'
'looks like president and her made peace with each other'
'right!she looks so cold when jisoo was gone. like literally she could kill with her deadly eyes'
'well Kim's are known as bitches, no one can touch them if they try to they will be dead by now. Pray for Kai and sehun'
'well they were framed i don't think kai and sehun could do that'
'whatever! its true what they say! stay away from Kim Jisoo, She's a monster'
'She must have influenced or forced our president, otherwise who would take the side of a bastard bitch.
'Yeah! like mother! like daughter! Using Kim's family money for there profit'
'they should have banned her from this University'
'I agree! I can't even know how much our precious president would be suffering right now beca of this bitch'

jennie was suppressing herself to burst out hearing those mean comments for jisoo. she was about to snap but jisoo placed a hand on
her thighs to calm her.

"Don't mind them!" jisoo whispered imto jennie slowly
"how can i! they are so mean!" jennie said huffing angrily
"you look like a cat when you're angry! am ok don't worry" jisoo said as she leaned in to kiss her on her cheeks.

Jennie immediately blushed as heat rises to her cheeks. she hit her arms lightly, "Don't!"

jisoo laughed at her reaction, before she could comment on her, professor entered the classroom and started teaching.


At Mr Kim's Office

     Mr Kim was on his phone talking to someone when jin entered with a knock on his door.

Mr Kim nodded him to enter as he obediently entered.

"Yeah! i know"
"Thanks for the bailing them"
"right this won't affect our partnership, you know that"
"Ok take care!bye"

And he hung up the call. as he looked up to his soon with a smiling face.

"Thanks Jin! I didn't knew you will work that fast my son"

Jin looked at him confused for a second but immediately changed his facial expression to a smirk.

"Thanks dad!!"
"keep up the good work son and make me proud, soon you will go to the TOP" mr kim said walking near him and patting his shoulder.

Jin bowed to him in respect as mr kim took his leave.

After he left, Jin's facial expression changed.
'Who would have billed those two bastards!'
He thought as he scrunched his nose in annoyance and left his office.

while Mr Kim who was in elevator was looking at his phone. His phone was showing the recording of the reaction of Kim seokjin about his statement.

He specifically installed the hidden camera in his office for this purpose.

"Oh jin! You are a newbie , You should know there move by now, you slowpoke! . I think you are of no use." Mr kim said looking at the phone screen.

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