Part 21 : Guards down

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Irene groaned when she felt some sensation on her face, she scrunched her face and huffed a little breathe. She heard a light chuckle the she opened her eyes slowly.

"See what you like"

"of course!!" seulgi said with a small smirk on her face as she gave a peck on her lips. They were lying naked under the sheets on Seulgi's bed in her dorm. 

"Am feeling hungry, what do you wanna eat!! I'll make it for you" Irene said

"Can i start with the desert!!" Seulgi said with lust as she toped herself on irene's, grinding each others body and sharing a steamy makeout sesson


Seulgi fell on the floor as irene flinched and pushed her after hearing sudden knock on the door.

Irene laughed at seulgi who was sitting on the floor giving an annoyed look.

"hey!! Don't laugh at me, I'll kill this annoying person who disturbed my beautiful morning"


she was going out but irene stoped her 

"Hon, at least wear something so that you won't give that intruder a heartattack" irene laughed as she passed an oversized hoodie and shorts to seulgi , which she wore with a flushed red face by embarrassment and went to open the main door of her Dorm.


"WHAT" seulgi shouted a little annoyed by the intruder but instantly regretted and apologized to her.

"oh Jennie, Sorry i though it was Lisa who disturbed my sleep"

"Sorry seulgi unnie If i disturbed your sleep" Jennie said rubbing her nape as she felt shy all of a sudden.

"Its ok Jennie"

"I can come other time if you want !!"

"no its ohk , so why are you here this early"

Jennie was going to answer but she was interrupted by a familiar voice coming right behind of seulgi

"Why are you taking so long hun, if that's Lisa then--oh jennie, hey"

Irene said coming from behind wearing seulgi's clothes, feeling a little embarrassed and confused a little seeing Jennie.

"Hey unnie!!" Jennie greeted

"uh.. I w-want to know what Jisoo likes to eat"

Seulgi smiled at her. 

"oh isn't that obvious , she loves her chicken the most in the world" seulgi said laughing.

while jennie beamed a smile and said

"I already figured that seulgi unnie but you know that's not healthy"

"Right she likes spicy foods ,,,Yeah liking with Lisa she got fond of thai cuisine too"

"Thanks unnie" Jennie bowed her head and left.

Irene who was listening to the conversation got confused.

'Why is she after Jisoo? Is she using her? What's her motive?'


Rose was few minutes late to reach the cafeteria as Lisa and Jennie were already seated there so she quickly Placed her order and took her food plate , making her way towards the seat where Jennie and Lisa were waiting for her.

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