Part 3: First Meeting

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Chaeyoung POV

"get away from seul" our President walked in front of us glaring at Lisa who looks like a scared cat right now 'cute'.
"but unniee-" lisa whined while seulgi unnie smiled like a fool,
' how can seulgi unnie smile in front of president who can kill Lisa by just her sharp glare, poor lisa'
"don't unnie me, you are hurting seul, and you why are you smiling like an idiot huh!!" looking sharply at seulgi

" why can't i smile at a beautiful view, ms president"seulgi said with a smirk.
Lisa made a disgusting face, "My eyes!! oh it hurts to see this , someone help me!! " lisa dramatically said while standing on her feet while president was blushing hard , and then she smacked Lisa on her head
"ouch!!" lisa rubbed the spot where it hurts. President calmed herself from embarrassment looked towards us in hesitation.
Lisa came to the rescue for this awkward situation "Unnie, these two are our new friends they are new here, this is park chaeyoung & this is Kim Jennie and guys this is Irene unnie our president AKA our bear's girlfriend" again receiving a smack on her arm by irene unnie.
"Hi unnie. nice to meet you"me and jennie said ,
"nice to meet you both, ....wa..wait a minute, are you The Jennie Kim"
"yes" jennie said with a small smile being shy.
"great , hope you can continue to stay at the top, i gotta go now , duty calls, see you guys around" ,irene unnie replied while patting our head and giving a kiss to seulgi's cheeks.
"no funny business you two" irene unnie said to bith seulgi and lisa . Lisa immediately saluted her back.
'she is funny'


Jennie POV

my next class was dismissed early so i thought to roam around the campus. I found an old hallway abandoned classes, it was creepy and scary i just retreat my step, but before i could do it my eyes land on a room where a beautiful black Piano was placed , my feet went near that room like  i was attracted to it like magnet. I entered the room it looks like an abandoned music room someone must have decorated & stored this place it need some retouch but overall its really peaceful & giving me a relaxed vibe.

I went near piano there is a music sheet placed above it, I new the basic of piano but not much so i tried playing the music with the help of music sheet but its really confusing & m frustrated by not being able to play it. A sudden knock on the door startled me. Leaning on the door slightly was Kim Jisoo with her cold face with irritation seeing me in this room.

"who gave you the permission to enter here?" said with her cold aura and husky voice  which is giving me chills while making an eye contact with me. I don't wanna feel week in front of her so i maintained the eye contact with same intensity.

"I just found this place, I got curious so i went in here" i replied with a smile. She raised an eyebrow and nodded her head.

"forget this place and don't come here ever"

"why?" I replied with a pout

"I found & renovated this place so m basically the owner of this place and i don't want people to enter my personal space" coldness and irritation filling in her voice

I felt disappointed held my head low , i wanna come to this cool place often.

'think hard Jennie kim' i raised my head

"Lets make a deal, I can crash this place anytime i want same goes to you , duh! but i swear i will not disturb you. you do your thing i will do mine" looking at her with hopeful eyes.

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