Part 30: Mother's Love

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Jennie and Jisoo was feeling awkward all throughout there morning breakfast. Lisa and Rose sensed this but they didn't butted in as they know there unnies are big to handle there problems. And today they have to visit the orphanage as they all planned .

"ok guys lets get ready now the trip will be long" Lisa said happily.
"she is very excited like we are all going on a trip" jennie said
"she was so excited that she didn't even slept last night" rose said shaking her head.


The knocked on the door disturbed seulgi who was packing her stuff for the trip.

"who would it be this early, its only 7 in the morning... aaishh ill kill your loud ass Lisa" seulgi said opening the door. she frowned seeing in front of her.

"what are you doing here Kim?"
she said raising an eyebrow.
"am looking for your girlfriend!"
He entered pushing her slightly and made his way towards kitchen counter and put the huge bag there.

"Its the weekend jin don't disturb her today she had—"

"Seul who is it— oh you are on time" Irene said while jin smiled at her pulling out his laptop and settled on the couch.

"lets get this over with" he declared
while seulgi who was confused at whats going on in her living room.
Irene steps towards her and giving a kiss between her eyebrows.
"don't worry seul, it will take only few minutes" seulgi just sighed and open the paper bag which Jin brought and took out there breakfast.

"wow !! I didn't knew this day will come when jin will treat me" seulgi said opening the Pringles.
jin glared at her while Irene laughed at her.
"look hon , he even bought all flavours... you can come every weekend to treat me Pringles" she stated.
"enough , let us work now ... hyun take a look at this" jin said .
Irene took the laptop in her lap and started typing on it with a concentration face.


Jisoo was taking out there bags to the dorm front  while Lisa went to take out the car.
Jisoo noticed a familiar car parked.

within a second she felt a familiar presence beside her on the left.
"good morning chu"
she snorted a little.
"there's no good in the morning "
"uh-huh, now can't i get a hug from my sister" he smiled looking at her adorably.
"that time had already gone jin, you know it better than me"
"but i can't miss a chance to beg for a second chance"
"why are you here this early?"

Jisoo felt another presence beside her on her right. she felt nervous .
"isn't it feels like old days when we three stood by beside each other when we were young" jin said releasing a chuckle.
" But that all felt fake back then , right jin" Irene said in her cold voice.
Jisoo felt like a cold bucket of ice water has been thrown all over her .
"it was all past Hyun, look at us we the powerful Kims—"
"leave me alone with that bullshit over the 'Kims' I will bever kn the lifetime will accept to be a 'Kim' ... I don't wanna be associated with a murderer and a snake itself ". she spitted venom with every words.
"when will you stop being a bitch Jooh—"
"Thats enough Jin, she is right"Jisoo interrupted him
"Yeah take her side ,only to be treated by her like a peace of garbage . whenever she had time she would twist and turn you and after using you she will throw you away "
"at least she won't give me false hope" jisoo said gritting her teeth.
before he could respond a car honk disturb them Jisoo took the luggages and put inside the car trunk.

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