Part 38: A Chance

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"Mom, meet jennie kim the one i was talking about. she is an important part of my life now" Jisoo said
"Hi mrs kim, hope its all the good things she said about me"jennie said sincerely
"of course" Jisoo said as she put her head on jennie's shoulder.

"How do you know i was here!!" jisoo asked her. jennie felt nervousness building up as her body stiffened for a second .

"I Uh tracked you from snapchat .... yeah snapchat... you know the location tracker thing in it ..." Jennie rambled but jisoo just took her hands and intertwined with hers.

"Ohk" jisoo said as she closed her eyes once again.
"Jendeuk!! after graduation we all will have different paths towards our dream, will you ever forget me?"

" forget you!!! never gonna happen!!" jennie replied confidently and kissed her forehead.

jisoo then smiled and stood up suddenly as she forward her left hand towards jennie,
"lets go !! am hungry"she said pouting .
jennie giggled as she took her hand and stood up.
"don't pout , you look ugly" jennie said and dragged jisoo who was smiling like an idiot.


"you are late!!" mr kim said as he swirl the wine glass and coldly looking at irene who just entered Kim mansion.

"oh is there a curfew for me now!!" irene said staring at him with a straight face.

"why did you wait for that mistress's daughter, that bastard" he said smashing the wine 🍷 glass to the wall.

Irene flinched, "that means am also one of your mistress's daughter" Irene said looking annoyed

Mr Kim sighed and approached her while speaking gently and reaching out to her.
"No no never call yourself that, you are my lovely daughter. Why can't you understand Joohyun-ah I love you as much as i loved you mo—"

"don't...Just don't call me by that name, only my family can call me with that name...let my mom rest in peace today. just keep it in your heard Mr Kim, I will never be a part of your family"
Irene said and left .

Mr Kim just stood there defeated as he went to his study to lock himself there and poured himself a whisky as he gulps in one shot as his veins pop up in anger.


Irene was sitting in the balcony of her room.
She had a coffee in one hand and other was holding a phone near her ear.
"what its just a field trip"
"Its not just a field trip, you don't know how much i waited for some quality time with you so don't worry love i'll take care of it all"

"seul, i have so much responsibility as a student president. I don't think i can—"
"Honey, please you look after other students problem, can't you solve mine , i wanna steal some precious time of my president"seulgi said in a low and sexy tone.

"don't worry hyun , i have already talked with jihyo—"

"but jihyo also had a life seul"
"so did you love... don't you love me "seulgi said in a dramatic tone of hurt

"no no.. i do and you know that kang"
" then it's settled so leave it to me... Love you" seulgi chirped up excitedly.
"love you"
Irene said and cut the call as she took a sip of her coffee and relaxed by the view of sunset.

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