Part 39: Idiot Unnie

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It was midnight when Jisoo completed her shift in the convenience store. Jennie accompanied her as always.

"Hmm" Jennie hummed as they walked towards there dorm hand in hand. Jennie looked at her into the eyes for her to continue.

'Pretty eyes' jisoo thought

" I...uh.... Nothing" jisoo said ignoring the fact that she can't look straight into her eyes.

"ah wae!! dont leave me hanging in between your words chu"

jennie whined as jisoo laughed at seeing her reaction.
"Its easy to tease you" Jisoo said sticking her tongue out as she ran away from the angry looking Jennie.

"KIM JISOO!! Come here !!you !!!" Jennie run after her.

Both were playing like tom and jerry in the streets.


Next morning Jennie was in front of her locker pulling out her bools from it. when she closed her locker , she got startled by someone's presence beside the locker.

"Kai!! you scared me"
"Sorry, it wasn't my intention to scare you"
"Its ok"

"Let me walk you to your class"
"You don't have to, Kai"
"I insist!!"

Jennie couldn't decline it seeing Kai so persuasive.
"ok then"

Kai took books from Jennie's hand as they went to her class.
"Jennie, are you going to field trip?"
"yes i am, am so excited"

"so i wanna invite you to the party, It will be on the first day when we reach the camp, you will love it"
"really!! then ill come" Jennie said excitedly.

when they reached at the front of the class Kai gave her books and kissed her cheeks by saying "Goodbye princess , i will see you later"

Jennie was shocked at his gesture by the time she got out of trance, kai had already left. So she went inside the class and took her seat while a pink tint was formed in her cheeks.

Jennie doesn't know that jisoo who was sitting just few seats above her saw all of it. Jisoo's aura turned dark as her face went emotionless.


It was Lunch time when Lisa and rosé being lovey dovey came towards jisoo and took there seats for lunch.

Rosé got goosebumps when she felt change in behaviour of jisoo who was silently eating her lunch.

"Lis" Rosé whispered to Lisa by hitting her lightly on her stomach with her elbow .
"What!!" lisa said whispering as she looked confused .

"What happened to Jisoo unnie, why is she radiating negative vibes" rosé whispered

"uhmm i don't kn—"lisa was interrupted by jennie who tool a seat beside jisoo as she nudged her from the side.

"Hey chu!"
"hey" Jisoo said in a lazy tone.

Jennie just ignored how jisoo behave differently as she chatted with rosé and Lisa about the field trip.

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