Part 20 : Delivery

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In the Campus, Seulgi was by her locker. While taking her books out from it she felt a presence beside her. she released a sigh and closed her locker to find Irene slightly leaned by the shoulder on the other locker beside hers.

"What now President!"

Irene frowned as she scrunched her nose but immediately smiled softly knowing she is at fault.

"Good morning!!"

She greeted Seulgi but the other girl just noded her head and turned her heals to go to her class.

Irene tailed behind her with a smile.

"Don't you have any work to do president"

"Oh i have! I have to check out my hot and sexy girlfriend."

Seulgi felt warmth on her cheeks she knows how much irene affected her. she turned her pace faster. But irene caught her by arms . its like everything stopped for seulgi and irene.

"Hey ! am sorry ok. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feeling." irene stated

"But you did !!"

As she felt irene grip loosen, she swatted her arms and went to her class leaving irene who had a scowl on her face as she caught a glimse of someone in the crowd so she went to tail that person.

While Seulgi had her eyes on the class door like she was impatiently waiting for a person to enter.

The door opened but only to find Professor entering the class. seulgi disappointed by it

'Did i take this overboard, No Seulgi you need to remind irene her mistake she should control her anger in front of her friends'


It was lunch time as campus cafeteria was crowded today.
Jisoo jennie lisa and chaeyoung were having there lunch there. beside there table , redvelvet were having there lunch but Irene was missing.

Jisoo noticed seulgi's gloomy face. she was playing with her food thinking something , jisoo tried to ignore it thinking it must not be something serious as seulgi always counter problem with ease as the girl known to be clumsy but she is the responsible one.

they were enjoy there lunch while seulgi felt another presence beside her.
Her heart beat run faster as her favourite flowery scent of president invade her surrounding.

seulgi tried to ignore her presence as she wanted to be mad at her.
"are you really giving me this silent treatment seul?"
now the situation becoming intense every second passing.
" what if i did"
"but i already told you—"
"it shouldn't be me who needs your apologies"
"seulgi unnie, this is too much" joy stated firmly

"oh don't you interface in between" she warned the younger by pointing her spoon towards her direction.

she stood up from her seat and left them.
everyone witnessed it not knowing what happened to the perfect couple of the campus.
Irene also left the cafeteria after few minutes with a frown on her face.

"deserved" lisa whispered who was witnessing the scene in front of them but Jisoo jennie and Chaeyoung heard her correctly.
"Lisa" Jisoo gave her a warning look.
"what... sorry unnie"
she defended herself but apologised seeing jisoo's death glare
"its ok"


Seulgi was walking in the hallway when she was pulled harshly into an empty classroom.

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