Part 48: Search Party

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After few minutes, every student arrived at the meeting spot.

"Students, you guys will still work as a group, your group will be provided a resort staff member who would help you down the trek. The weather is going to be bad so look out for yourself and others too. Lets go" Professor Ming announced.

Everyone dispersed , there were two groups of teachers . One was at the start and one was in the middle. and in the last there was the team red velvet leaded by Irene which was appointed 3 staff members.

Kai team convinced them to be last so the girls team will be safe. after some arguments they agreed making Kai team last.

On the way back Jisoo was already exhausted with her trekking and punishment for making tents that it was difficult for her to compete the pace her team was moving. Her team  knew her condition so they stuck with her, Mostly Jennie.

It made her group to separate from the others due to there slow pace. Soon there pace were so slow that they were reached by Kai's team.

Kai smirk internally as he whispered something to the staff allocated to them. the staff nodded in response.

After few minutes, the staff member stopped them,
"We are getting late because of you girl. Can you keep up with us" he said pointing at jisoo.

"Do your job right, we can go slow as much as we can" lisa who was annoyed with the staff yelled. But jisoo stopped her nudging her lightly.

"am sorry, don't mind her, and sorry for making your pace slow"
"You can't be sorry about that its not your fault" Jihyo said supporting lisa while rosé nodded.
"don't worry, i think you are just tired, why don't we let the team move forward and i'll accompany you, you can ride my back it will help you rest a little" the staff member suggested

"Thats a great idea" Rosé said

Jisoo hesitate to answer so jennie beat her on it, "She will go with you!"

"But jen—"
" no you are exhausted, and as you said earlier the weather's not nice. So follow his instructions." Jennie said in authority making jisoo agree to her.

Jennie, Lisa, Rosé and jihyo with Kai team and 2 staff members went there way while Jisoo was left with the only staff member riding his back.

They both were trailing behind most of the time. They couldn't even spot the others. The weather turned really bad. the wind was blowing harshly with the rain as the thunder strikes can be heard. The staff put jisoo down midway making her confuse.

Soon she saw two figures approaching, Kai and his friend sehun came. Sehun handed some cash to the staff who left after taking it . While the two stays there standing tall towering Jisoo.

"What cheap tricks you are playing now?" Jisoo said gritting her teeth in anger she knows she fucked up somehow.

She knows it was preplanned , And God was not on her favour today. She saw how both Kai and sehun has this evil look on there faces.

Three of them were standing both sehun and Kai had there rain coats on but Jisoo was drenched in rain with cold wind blowing making her shiver a little. Don't forget she had already tired herself with the activities before. Her body was literally exhausted.

Due to riding that staff members back gave her a little bit of energy to stand . She knew she had to think smart in this situation.

"You know every time i want to do something, you always come between my way" Kai said

"Its not my fault that you always choose the wrong path" Jisoo tried teasing him to make him angry. which she succeeded. Kai moved forward to punch her in anger but she successfully dodged it while sehun was watching them in alert.

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