Part 72: The Will

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      The waiter put the coffee down on the table for them, as Jisoo, Irene and Jin meet up after a sudden call came from the lawyer.

"So . . ." Jin started looking at her sisters who were giving him a blank stare.

Jin cleared his throat and said
"I have alreaxy talked with the laywer about the changes we need on the agreement. Its all set. You guys don't have to worry"

Jisoo nodded her head. While irene patted his head.
"Well done brother! You did well"
"Hey! Am not a kid" jin whined as he swatted her hands off him.

Jisoo smiled at the bickering duo.
Jin got a call from the company so he asked for a leave as he took his coffee and left  giving a kiss to both of them after saying
"Ok i need to go back to the company. I'll see you guys tomorrow"

after Jin left, The Two sisters went silent for a minute. 

" So"

" So"

Both said at the same time. Irene cleared her throat and said,
" so how have you been?"

Jisoo sipped her coffee saying "good"

"Am serious! You know that you can tell me everything. Am all ears." Irene said with a small smile.
Jisoo looked down as she clised her eyes for a second after looking back at irene.
"Last night! I met Jennie"

Irene nods to let her continue to speak.

Jisoo took out the plane ticket jennie gave her last night and placed it on table for irene to see it.

Irene looked at her confused.

Jisoo then briefed irene about last night encounter with Jennie.

Irene looked at her with a small smile as she placed one hand above Jisoo's hand, as she gave it a light squeeze.

"Relax chu! You should relax on this one . You should listen to your heart on this one & do what you desire.

I know it will be hard for you. I don't know if you notice but you were different around her.
Its like she bring out the best in you."
Irene said with a soft smile on her face.

Jisoo looked at her meeting her eye.

"Give her a chance . She is a keeper chu!" Irene said patting her head lovingly as jisoo smiled.

After calling it a night, they bid there goodbyes to each other and left.


Kims Lawyer's firm

Next day , jisoo went to meet the lawyer  as she was the first one to reach. The lawyer greeted her and they went to the conference room to have the official meeting when the others arrive.

After few minutes, Mr Kim arrived, behind him was Mr Kim seokjin  as they both took there seats opposite jisoo.

Jin gave jisoo a warming smile which she revert back with a small smile.

"Good morning everyone, so now everyone are here , so lets start this--" the lawyer started to speak

"Not yet, irene hasn't arrived yet !" Jin interfered him.

Lawyer noded as he agreed for her.

"Ok then lets wait till then. I'll send the refreshments for you all till then"


Few hours passed by, but no sign of Irene was there. Everyone called her, texted her but it was automatically sent to the voicemail.

All three were obviously worried and furious and worried about Irene.

Soon the lawyer came and showed them the text he received from Irene saying that, she would be agreeing to everything jisoo will agree. And they can start the procedure about there Will.

The lawyer started giving them yhe agreements to read. As jisoo was in the middle of reading it. Her phone rang, she looked at the caller id and picked it up immediately

"Hello hyun, can you hear me?"
Jisoo made her way out of the conference hall as she thought it was network issue.

She stopped her step as she was about to open the door when she heard a familiar voice from the other side of the phone.

"Hey Kiddo!" A deep husky voice she heard from the phone

"y-you!" Jisoo whispered but it can be heardby the person from other line.

"You remembered me., don't stand there and move out of that fucking office room!" He ordered coldly.

Without wasting any time she opened the door of the conference room and went out with the phone still attached to her ears where she heard a laugh.

"You didn't changed at all kiddo. You reming me of 'her' a lot"

Jisoo's miind was swirling around with this current scenario but she still managed to stay calm.

"Where is irene? Why you have her phone? What do you want ! I swear if you do any--"

"Aish! Slow down kiddo. That girl is right here in front of me"

" You son of a bitch!" She shouted at him

"That i am ! Now back to business, sign the contract that the lawyer will give you without any hesitation and made your brother sign it too.

After that, come downstairs in parking lot within 10 minutes or say goodbye to your pretty sister"

He cut the call, Making jisoo hissed in anger.


Mr kim got a text on his phone making him smirk in victory.

'The deal will be done in next 5 minutes"

He put his phone back in his pocket. Jisoo entered the room with a blank face plastered on her.

She took her seat and picked up the papers.

"Was it irene?" Jin asked curiously about the call
Jisoo noded her head in approval,
"Yup and she told me her decisions about 'the will'. Lets finish it. PEN!"

She took the pen from the lawyer and signed it and proceeded towards jin who looked at her puzzled. Jisoo nodded in signaling to trust and sign the will. And he did with a frown on his face.

When jinwas done with the signing procedure, jisoo  she got a message on her phone saying,

'Good job, now get out from there to the parking where you will see the black van. Get inside it without any question!'

Jisoo then stood up, "sorry i had go somewhere important. Please do the needful. As am taking a leave fron here".

She hurriedly ran to the elevator. When the elevator was about to close. Someone entered the elevator looking at her intently.

"Not so fast!" Jin said making the elevator close . As the two siblings were glaring at each other inside the elevator .


Intense chapter right. 😬

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