Part 31: The view

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       Mother sol went near the bonfire and send kids back to there room to sleep leaving the gang .
" Your rooms are ready Jennie & rosé will show you the way, you can all rest well as its been a long day for all of you" mother sol said and left .
"lets go" Rosé said packing up her guitar on her back everyone followed her and jennie.
Chaennie, seulrene and Lisoo shared the rooms, all 3 rooms were beside each other.


At midnight a women entered Mother sol's office with a torch 🔦 as she started to look for the some documents .
She opened the document to find Jisoo's details as she took a picture of the documents and placed it back and left without leaving a trace.


Morning cane early for Jisoo , she did her morning routine and put her joggers to had a morning run.
By the time she went out of her room she met with irene who was also in jogging outfit . of course they were the early birds. both went silently downstairs. jisoo was behind her just few steps away. right outside the Orphanage they met with mother sol.

"Good morning girls, you are both up early"
" morning mother sol" they both greeted
"looks like everyone is asleep, you both really are sisters, early birds right"
both nodded there head as embarrassed to see each other face to face. Mother sol left them so Irene went to near by park for her jog , Jisoo then thought to jog around the town so she went there.


"good morning!!" kids greeted the gang as Rosé, Lisa, seulgi and Irene joined them for breakfast. and they greeted them back.

"where's jennie" Seulgi asked
"She might be sleeping till now"
everyone laughed.
soon Jennie came downstairs for breakfast as she greeted everyone,
"where's jisoo i haven't seen her yet"
"oh we didn't notice she isn't here with us" lisa said looking out for jisoo too. seulgi started calling her but her phone was unreachable
soon they noticed Jisoo entering with many bags in her hand and behind her was mother sol as both entered the kitchen premises.

Jisoo and mother sol then joined Jennie for breakfast as everyone was done with there breakfast but the gang kept them company.

"ah !! am so hungry" Jisoo said sitting between jennie and Mother sol.

Sitting arrangement :

Mother sol - Jisoo - jennie - Rosé
Irene - Seulgi - Lisa

Mother sol served her in a plate and also took some for herself too.
"Thanks jisoo for helping me" Mother sol said
"Not a problem, Mother am happy to help" jisoo said smiling .

Seulgi and Irene were shocked seeing Jisoo opening up to Mother sol and smiling. they thought they forgot how jisoo used to smile carefree from the world.

'she looks genuinely happy..... this makes my heart warm ' seulgi thought looking at jisoo . she is happy for her.

' Be like this chu , you always help others ... I just wish you maintain this smile for the lifetime' Irene thought

Mother sol even feed her making her try the new flavours, "taste this jisoo you would love it" putting the spoon in front of her which jisoo obediently took.
Jennie and Irene were looking at them intently with pure and loving gaze.

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