Part 16: Late night dinner

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*Bullying is a Punishable offence. i don't support bullying and you should also not support it.
a victim who suffer all the bullying is also at fault for bot being vocal about it.

Help Others to make this planet a better place*


"Good morning" chaeng greeted a disoriented jennie coming out of her room lazily.

"good morning rosie" jennie greeted and kissed her cheeks.

"are you feeling alright unnie"
"uhh.. i don't know how to explain it rosie but  am feeling guilty towards jisoo" she released a sigh.

"I know she had done so much to protect you i feel grateful that she was with you at that time... but unnie next time if that happens don't suffer it alone let me help you, we should lookout for each other right"

jennie noded her head a little while grabbing a coffee for herself while rose gave her toasted bread for breakfast.

Jennie noticed that rose wasn't eating her breakfast properly.
"rosie!! why are you so gloomy today, is something bothering you? you know that you can share anything with me"
rosie looked at jennie with a sad smile on her face
"Unnie !! Lisa came in late at night looking so down seemingly drunk. all she did was cry and  was blabbering something about jisoo unnie i couldn't understand it, and now i can't take my mind of it"

" don't worry rosie, she must be sad seeing her friend in that state. she just needed that moral support which was provided by you"

rosie smiled listening to jennie's explanation.
"then i'll never leave her side" rose whispered but was clearly heard by jennie but she chooses not to comment on it.


like every other morning Irene was walking to her student president office as she always come early at the campus to lookout for her jobs that needed to be done.

But today was different as she found a familiar figure standing right outside her office, fidgeting her fingers , looking nervous .

she cleared her throat to grab her attention.
"ahem ahem !!"
"Morning president"

"what are you doing here so early"
"i wanna discus some matter with you"
irene noded her head and preceded to get inside her office with jennie tailing behind her.

"so what do wanna talk about jennie?"
"i just wanna know why you gave jisoo the punishment when she doesn't deserves it" this time jennie asked her more like a guilty tone.
"you should be happy she saved you from getting your scholarship canceled " irene said taking her seat gesturing jennie to took hers too.
"what do you mean" she asked curiously
" this isn't the first time it happened jennie, nancy was bullying other scholarship students and nerds too behind my back"
"yeah and no one ever reported it as they were afraid of her status. she immediately filed fake complaints to principal and trustees to cancel your scholarship for claiming false accusations against her."
"what can that happen, oh my god !! what am i gonna do!!" she grabbed her head in her hands and released a deep sigh.

"but your saviour was here before it can went to final stage as she came to me and gave the proof enough to save you".

jennie was now in tears as she was so overwhelmed by jisoo's action. But she stern up her self and said

"i didn't know a victim could be punished"
"oh jennie, do you know that bullying is a serious punishable offence , and should be harshly punished.

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