Part 69: Space and Time

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Hope you like this chapter ☺️

          The next morning when Seulgi arrived to visit Jisoo she found Jennie sitting beside unconscious jisoo with there hands interwined. Her Blood boiled seeing Jennie there as she stomped her way towards her. She lashed upon her, making Jennie startled

"What the hell are you doing here? Didn't we tell you-"

"Enough seul!" Irene cut her off as she stopped Seulgi to charge upon Jennie.
"How can you allow her to be near jisoo!" Seulgi who was trying to calm down said in her raging voice.

"Calm down seul! I allowed her. And don't be so hard on her. Atleast let her explain"Irene said to calm her girlfriend down.

Jennie was just standing there looking down nervously when Seulgi asked her to explain. Seeing Jennie lost, Irene told her,

"Jisoo was drugged by Kai when they were playing beer pong. Her drug was different as it was a mixture of three types of drugs which kicked after few minutes."
Jennie gasped as it was also a new information for her.

"I had my doubts so i let Jennie stay overnight to have the same tests on her. And my doubts were correct. She was also drugged.
The difference is that it was the single drug but a strong one to make her loose her concious to reality." Irene said

"It doesn't matter if she is drugged or not she still went with Kai! With a fucking room alone with him! Why?" Seulgi raised her voice

Jennie didn't respond as she felt guilty but Irene stepped towards Seulgi to calm her down
"Seul, she was also drugged , she wasn't in her right mind that time. And everything happened in quick moments that she is still in shock, and we all are!"

"We were played by that fucking Kai!"Seulgi fumed.

"Relax! Right now we have other things to take care of" Irene said looking at jisoo who was peacefully lying in hospital bed looking fragile.


It was midnight when Irene felt a movement. She was sleeping while sitting beside jisoo on a chair as her head was leaning on her bed, she woke up immediately to her sitting position.

"Chu!" She softly asked feeling jisoo's body shake a little.
Irene tries to wake her up, Jennie who was also in the room, got alerted and was quick to call the doctor. It was like the time has stopped running for them. Both Jennie and Irene were pushed out of the room to be filled with Doctors and nurses.

It was painful 7hours of there lives. But then here comes the news they were waiting for. Jisoo was stable now and soon will regain concious and she is taken out of ICU into the ward.

After few hours jisoo opened her eyes, to see she was surrounded by Irene, Jin and her friends.

The first thing Jin did was to call the doctor.
After doctor did her routine checkup giving them positive report and approved her friends to meet her but suggested that only two people can meet her at once.

So Irene and lisa suggested to let Jennie and Irene meet her first after many arguments with Seulgi and Jin. When the door opened, jisoo looked at the door to see Jennie and Irene approaching her.

Irene went near her first and kissed her forehead, "you scared us Chu! Now get well soon"

Jisoo nodded her head slightly. Then Irene went aside to let Jennie came in front of jisoo.

With one look,The whole scenerio of Kai and Jennie was roaming around her head. It gave her a little headache but she still resisted by shutting her eyes tightly.

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