Part 12: Her Human

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Every morning she woke up early due to not being able to sleep well, every morning was same for her.

But today was different, she was sleeping peacefully till 9am in the morning. she felt a warm embrace around her which was comforting and safe heaven.

She noticed someone's hand  was securing her around her waist and its other was on her shoulder . As her head was resting on a human chest where she can easily hear heartbeat of the person with a calming beat.

'wait a human heartbeat? ehh!! am I sleeping with someone? a person beside me?'   

she opened her eyes when the reality hit her, she is really in a human embrace , a fluffy and comfortable human, the touch of this human is burning up her skin so she slowly pulled herself up to watch an amazing view of a human who was snoring lightly, Her Human 

'Is it possible for a human to look this good and blissful this morning, no only Jennie Kim can do this, .... Jennie kim'

her eyes shot up as sat up on bed. She tried to recall yesterday's night event but couldn't remember a thing.
she stood from the bed , her eyes went to side table beside the bed, where a Polaroid was places she took a look on it to find it was her and jennie sleeping peacefully,

her cheeks heat up with a red tint blush as she flipped it over to find todays date and a signature of jeongyeon and nayeon

'thats why you haven't woke up early chu!! 😜
I get it she is comfy.
- bunny and jeong'

' They must have came here when we were asleep , these two won't stop with there teasing i should have not come here it was a bad idea' jisoo thought.

she put the polaroid down and took steps towards bathroom but stopped midway. as she kneeled down with a Thud sound on the floor with a headache took over her she placed both her hands to her forehead to suppress the pain.

she cannot help but to release a little whinny sound as a tear escaped from her eyes.
"uhmmm ..uhhh" she silently resisted it but the pain is too much for her.

she doesn't want to wake jennie up so she put a hand on her mouth and bite it to suppress any sound to come out from her mouth. she lie down to floor sobbing and struggling with her pain. but some memories of last night keep flooding her mind

"shh, take it easy, Listen to my voice baby

Breath in!

breath out!

Breath in!

breath out!

like this baby"


"Don't do t-this to me chu,
am n-not your s-strong fighter that you t-think of m-me"
" am here for y-you .... Please remember that."

Have faith i-in me , I'll g-get you s-soon...I p-promise"

but jennie jolt up from her sleep and sat on the bed as she missed a warm feeling , roaming her eyes all over the room to find the one she was looking for . she immediately run towards her and put her in her arms with a tight hug.

jisoo couldn't process what was going on , she just felt warm feeling as her eyes was blurry with tears . She felt someone kissing her forehead and heard faint whispers
"hey hey .... what's happening!! hey don't suppress the pain,"
"release the pain chu"

and right that moment she realized the calm and safe heaven jennie provides her , she never felt like it with anyone for such a long time.

Jennie Kim, only she can provide this feeling after her. feeling of her home.

her pain was bearable when she realised what's happening around her. she pull herself up by pushing Jennie a little harsh.
"sorry" she only managed to say this then ran towards bathroom and locked herself.

Jisoo couldn't understand what's happening to her she couldn't get the voices inside her head as she proceed to do her morning routine.


As jisoo went out of bathroom, she met with a worried gaze of jennie
" you ok"
she answered with a nod
" don't worry about me , just forget it , j-just don't tell anyone about it"
jennie just give a slight nod.

as everyone joined in the living room, nayeon gave jisoo a teasing look which the other just
"can you stop looking at ne like that" throwing a nearby pillow fron the couch towards nayeon which the later dodged while sticking her tongue out.

while these two were bickering irene whi was felt a sharp gaze of jennie following her every move . she looked towards her to find jennie looking at her or we can just say boring her eyes on her soul which she felt weird.

soon she felt herself being back hugged by seulgi giving light kisses to her shoulder which distracted her. she leant herself to her warm embrace.

"shall we go my queen"
she give her a quick peck and then nodded.
but stopped by nayeon
" no one's going anywhere unnie , we had a plan remember"
"but nayeon we told you we had alrea-"
" no unnie, its my day and we are going to amusement park , aren't you both bored seeing each other " jeongyeon butted herself in the conversation receiving a glare fron seulgi.
both seulgi and Irene defeatedly agreed as they see no point of arguing with them.

"prepare yourself people m having a blast in amusement park" nayeon shouted as everyone laughed at her remarks


please enjoy this chapter and have a great day
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