Part 25 : Nothing To Loose

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         As jisoo threw her phone on the wall breaking it into pieces.

Jennie who was just came out of the bathroom after a shower was shocked at the loud noise. she was about to ask jisoo but jisoo stormed off god knows where. Jennie looked at the broken phone damaged she tried open the phone to find the recent call was from Jin which made her more confused.

'What did he said to her that her mood swings like this'


Meanwhile Lisa caught Jisoo in hallway outside there dorm stopping her gripping her arms.

"Unnie where are you going?" Lisa looked at her state feeling confused and worried

"I need time lisa i'll be back" jisoo said with red eyes filled with anger and guilt.

"When will you be back?" Lisa said softly looking into her eyes.

"Soon" Jisoo said

'Don't look at me like that Lis i know am hurting you too but i can't take it anymore'

"contact me soon" She said and released her grip on her. and soon jisoo vanished from her sight .

Lisa entered her dorm to find Jennie sitting on the couch with her head in her hands looking stressed.

"Unnie you ok" Lisa asked crouching to her level

"Lis , Jisoo s-she stormed off i don't know what—?"

"Its ok unnie , She just went to cool - off her mind, don't worry she will probably went to Nayeon Unnie"

Jennie just nodded in response heaving a sigh.

" Lets go we are getting late for classes" Lisa said as she pulled jennie off the couch.


She might be a scholar , giving her best in academics, always paying attention to her class. But today was different , today her mind couldn't get enough of Jisoo. She practically share most of her time with Jisoo everyday but Today she havn't seen her from this morning. Its really eating her up.

She stood up from her seat between the lecture and asked permission from her professor to leave giving an excuse as she is required to attend a meeting with student president for upcoming field trip which her professor gave her without any doubt.

After leaving her class she walked towards President's office. she knocked on the door and entered. Irene was standing near the window looking at the view outside but was interupted by a knock.

"Jennie !!" she looked at her shockingly.

"Irene unnie!! I need your help! " Irene looked at her confused but still nodded her head in response. Jennie looked nervous but she gathered her strength to speak up.

"I wanna know what happened between you and Jisoo"

"Thats none of your business Jennie !!Stay out of it" irene said looking irritated by her

"Even if i want to , I can't. this is killing me , i can't see her living her life like a zombie--"

"I don't care at all , now can you--"

"don't lie! Not to me please !! I saw how you see her lovingly, how you try to protect her from a far" avoiding her gaze irene countered "don't talk bulshit jennie!!"

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