Part 44: Girls wanna have Fun

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SNU was crowded as Students were were gathered to put there luggage into the busses and taking there seats.

Seulgi , Jihyo and Irene were guiding them as they are the member of student council.

Lisa Jennie and rosé arrived too as they greeted the three.
"Unnie, you go with Rosé and grab the seats. I'll go with seulgi to put the luggage in the trunk" Lisa suggested.

"Lisa i think we should wait for Jisoo" Jennie said
"Don't worry jennie, Jisoo is inside the bus already go greet her" Jihyo said grinning happily.
Jennie nodded and left with rosé.
"I bet $1000 that after this trip they will be official" Jihyo smirked.
"I bet $2000 that they will be officially be a couple within the trip and my jensoo ship will sail" Lisa grinned at them smirking.
"Jensoo?" jihyo and seulgi asked looking so confused.
"Jennie + Jisoo , Jensoo ! DUH!!"
jihyo and lisa gave each other a high-five
"deal is on lisa, you are gonna pay me soon" jihyo said and left.
"You are betting on them, i don't feel good about it" seulgi said shooking her head.
"Coward!" lisa snickered teasing seulgi. and in return Seulgi hit lisa on her headlightly.


Jennie entered the bus with rosé in her front. Jennie moved her eyes to look out for the person she wanted to see.

She moved forward towards the end of the bus. then she found the person she was looking for.

She was sitting at the end of the bus on the second last seat near the window slouching a little. she was wearing a Cap which covered her beautiful feline eyes from jennie's view. and other half of her face was covered with a mask.

But for jennie, She can recognise jisoo in the crowd too.

(Pic for the reference ignore the finger hearts)

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(Pic for the reference ignore the finger hearts)

before she was move towards jisoo , Kai interrupted her.

"Jennie, the seat beside me is empty. please join me" Kai pleaded sweetly eying jennie.
It made jennie uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Sorry kai, but jennie unnie will sit with us. Sometimes girls just wanna have fun too" rosé cut him off as she grabbed jennie's hand and proceded towards jisoo.

rosé sat on the seat behind Jisoo while giving jennie a thumsup. Jennie took a deep breath as she took her seat beside Jisoo. Jennie could feel jisoo's relaxed breathing realising the older girl is sleeping.

Jennie didn't disturb her as she took out her earphones and pluged it on her phone and played some music.

Soon everyone took there seats total of 5 busses were there which was filled with students . Each bus was assigned a group leader who will take responsibility of them.

Irene took the responsibility of the bus where jisoo was in.

They all were seated at the last seats of there bus.

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