Part 65: Abandoned by the World

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Warning:18+ content, if you are not ok then it's better to skip it


  "I didn't knew where and when i woke up, But when i open my eyes, i could only see only Lisa's mother. she informed me that i was in hospital for weeks. She also informed me about the passing of Miss Bae.

when they informed my family that i woke up . only Joohyun, jin and Mrs Kim came to visit me.

But after sometime they won't visit, it was like I was alone, Manobans and kangs do visited me .

But it was different, everything felt different and distant. Every one was eying me with pity as I opened my eyes as a little girl abandoned by the world.

I don't know how to feel, how to behave, how to react when I found out I was the lone survivor, I wanted to die that time. Whenever I tried to forget those memories, but everytime these scares just trapped me within those horrible feelings."

Jennie caresses her cheeks as she wipe jisoo's tears by her thumb. As she hug her tightly
"Shhh... Everything is alright now.."

"I w-wan-na forget thi-is, Hel-lp me Jennie!" Jisoo said mumbling in her chest while sobbing.

Jennie backed away from the hug to look at jisoo in disbelief written in her eyes.

"Help me! Forget it! Jennie!" Jisoo said looking at her eyes more like begging her, Jennie nodded her head as she leaned in to kiss her forehead, then her nose, then her tears which were rolling down her cheeks.

lastly she captured her soft lips as they tasted each other's sweets taste slowly. Jennie laid her on bed gently without breaking there kiss.

Her kisses then moved to her cheeks to the jawline as Jennie's hands were tracing jisoo's God like figure.


Jennie POV

I felt jisoo grasp on my tshirt as I traced her chest unconsciously. I felt afraid, my body was trembling due to nervousness if she will reject me again.

Everything vanished when I felt her body  trembling more than me. I calmed her by whispered sweet words to distract her.
"Hey! Did I tell you how beautiful you are!"
*Kissed her jaws*
"Did I tell you, how you tool my attention the moment I laid eyes on you, Kim"
*Kissed her below her ears*
"You don't know how lucky I am!"

I slowly unbuttoned the shirt she was wearing
"I always doubt how a person could be perfect, and then there was you"

My eyes wandered to her chest, I have seen those scars but this time it was different for me. Seeing them made me heart tear up.

'Why on earth would anyone treat a child like that?
How could those monsters did that to this beautiful girl?
How many of them hit her! Touched her! Or even abused her to the point that she is traumatized till now'

my mind was swirling around with these questions. Those scars were taunting me and I want them to remove those damn scars, I don't want her to even remember any bad memories by seeing those scars.

So I did the my best to hide those bad past of her, as I started kissing each and every mark or scars in her body with my mouth, gently sucking and nibbling her skin.

My artwork on her collarbone, purple reddish marks giving me a sight of authority that she is under my protection and no one literally no one can take her away from me.

Jisoo tried to suppress her moans harder as I then moved moved towards her valley of breast founding them as I tugged on her nipple softly before i closed my mouth around it. A whispered moan from jisoo as i twirl my tongue around the nipple.
I pulled them kneaded them gently in circular motion. I took a quick glance at her as our eyes meet before my focus changed to my hands and my mouth giving fair treatment to her breasts. I continued it untill I felt them erect against me and she was sweating a bit

I stripped her slowly, and attached my lips on hers again. The audible gasp made me
Loose my control as i tasted her sweet inside. This is adding up the heat between us that we have been feeling.

I strip her down naked as she was only in her panties.We backed away from the kiss breathless as i moved south to her chest again then to her stomach leaving the wet sloppy kisses on her body.

I slowly removed her underwear when she lifted her butt for me as giving me a nod as an acceptance.

I started kissing her feets moving up to her thighs giving the sloppy kisses again as she was now moaning loudly and Shivering a bit due to my kisses. I parted her legs to see the clear private part with glistening wet folds.

She shyly closed her legs as a single tear rolled from her eyes.

"I can't... I can't do it ..."

This is what I was afraid of. This is what I didn't want to hear from her. This is what breaks my hear. But I broke into peaces when I heard her saying next,

"I d-don't deserve it Jennie, you d_deserve better" she said chocking on her words.

I just couldn't stop myself and kissed her lips as she responded to it after few seconds.

"Then be Better for me! I don't want anyone other than you Kim. This jendeuk need you." I said backing away from the kiss as we locked gaze.

I moved to her wet folds giving it a kiss on top making her flinch as i heard the most sweet and raspy moan from her, My name escaped from her lips from the first time. It made my heart flutter at high speed.

With fresh wave of excitement i held her from her hips as i attacked her core licking it slowly and occasionally dipping the tongue in , making her moan louder.

I looked at her above, She was breathless panting as tears were dropping from her eyes

"Look at me Jisoo! Just look at me" i commanded softly as she looked down.

I took advantage as i dipped my tongue deep into her core giving her intense pleasure.  She jerked up as she gripped on bed sheets tightly. I raised my hands above her mounds as i kneaded the nipples hard. It made me feel her inside clench as set to release her climax as entered double digit into her core in and out with intense speed.she bucked up her lower body as her back arced up . I heard a loud moan from her as she released her climax.

After that she tiredly slumped in bed i proudly went up to her and kissed her one last time. She wrapped her arms around my waist.
"I love you jendeuk!" She whispered after the kiss as she went to deep slumber by burying her face on my neck , leaving me amazed by her statement.

I could not help but to smile like a stupid person I am, i caresses her back to make her sleep at ease until I heard little snores.

I kissed on her forehead and whispered, " i love you too Kim jisoo" and went back to sleep.


Am sorry to keep you all waiting, let's finish this story and support snowdrop, don't engage with the backlash.

Anyways room 207 girls are really cool.

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Don't catch cold have a safe year. 🥳

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