Part 17: Manoban family

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In the campus corridor chaeyoung and jennie was walking towards there next class.

jisoo inturupted them with her husky voice and blank face.
"hey sleepy head!!"
jennie frowned at the remarks but chaeyoung giggled.
"hey i was sleepy, its not my fault you left me alone to work and i got bored "
"whatever!!" jisoo said with her poker face and pacing fast leaving them behind.

Jennie huffed her breath.
"relax unnie!!she is just teasing you.... by stating a fact"
jennie rolled her eyes.

soon the arrived in there class and took there seat as professor entered the class.


It was lunch time as the cafeteria was crowded , jisoo was having her lunch alone in peace .

' or no peace at all '

Lisa was running towards her shouting her name. and hugged her like it was her last.

"Lisa you don't need to shout, everyone knows my name!!" she whispered yelled looking angry and annoyed.
But her cold personality doesn't affect lisa at all.
"don't you miss your best friend?" she wiggled her brows.
by the time chaeyoung and jennie joined them for lunch as chaeyoung sit beside lisa and jennie took a seat beside Jisoo.
"yah i kinda miss seulgi" jisoo exclaimed
Chaennie giggled at her teasing remarks
"meannie, by the way Mom called she invited us to dinner, You guys are coming with us too"
both said in unison. Lisa stared at jisoo for answer with a pout on her face.
"ughh... stop pouting "

But Lisa hold both of her cheeks and forced her to face her and pouted more. Jisoo made a disgusting face .

"Ok Ok, you idiot leave me alone"
"Really!! yes , so guys be ready by 7pm"
everyone nodded as they dig in there lunch.


Lisa was waiting for the girls by her car outside the dorm.
Chaeyoung and jennie came towards her way.
"shall we go?" jennie asked
"just a minute, jisoo is coming"
"am here!!" jisoo came with 2 big gifts wrapped on her hands.

Lisa frowned looking at her.
"what's with the gifts?"
"This one's for you Lisa , you forgot again, its there wedding anniversary"
Lisa's eyes popped like a socket
"Oh My God, jisoo unnie, thanks for saving me" she hugged her tight
"c-can't b-breath"
"oh sorry, lets go"
she releases her and went towards her car.

"you should have told us before, we could have brought some gifts" chaeyoung said
"No need , you already brought them, here"
jisoo gave jennie and chaeyoung the other gift which have both there names listed.
"thanks unnie"

all were seated in the car but chaeyoung looked nervous, lisa sensed it so she pulled some jokes throughout the ride to ease her down.

Soon they arrived there destination, both jennie and Chaeyoung had there mouth hanging seeing the mansion in front of them.

Now chaeyoung's hand were sweating as her feets turned cold.

Lisa gestured Jisoo to take jennie as she wanted a littletine with chaeyoung. Jisoo pull her hands towards jennie as a gesture to grab her hand. Jennie accepted and grabbed her hand and both went inside leaving both Lisa and chaeyoung alone.

Lisa grabbed her hands and kissed it. Her sweet gesture made chaeyoung blush a little.
"don't worry, they are good people, you don't need to worry, i'll be always by your side"
"will i fit in" she muttered
"of course my mom and dad are just like you they love to eat food, but am warning you they are kinda tease like me"
chaeyoung couldn't help but smiled as how Lisa make her comfortable eith her presence.

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