Part 70: Out In The Open

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Thanks for waiting for this update.
Hope you like this chapter.


     Nayeon, jeongyeon & Irene were in Jisoo's room while Lisa and Seulgi went to complete her discharge process in the reception.

Jisoo was done eating her porridge which was fed by Irene. After that the doctor came for her last minute checkup.

"You are recovering well miss jisoo, keep up with your medicines and eat healthy food and follow our precautions. And you will be fit in no time" doctor said with a smiling face.

Jisoo smiles a little at him, "thanks doctor for your service" Irene replied to him.
"It's my work miss Irene. I'll take my leave now" with that the doctor left.

After few minutes of silence,

"Nayeon !" Jisoo called her weakly, nayeon nodded her head as she wentnear her to let her continue speaking.

"C-Can i stay w-with you for a while" jisoo asked her.
Nayeon chuckled as she ruffled her hair
"Ofcourse dummy, you can, you are always welcome."

Jisoo smiled at her. Irene who was watching the scene felt a little hurt as she saw how jisoo looked at nayeon for sisterly care.


Jennie already cooked food for jisoo. She handed it to rosè so she prepared for jisoo.
"Are you sure you don't wanna come unnie!" Rosé asked looking at her nervously.
"Yes i have some work to complete. Ill visit her later in the evening" jennie said without making an eye contact.

Rosé sighed and left.

Jennie then releazed a heavy sigh
"I need to make this clear. And ill show it to you chu that ig was just a misunderstanding. I didn't betray you."

She grabbed her purse and left.


Rosé and lisa entered the private hospital room where jeongyeon and nayeon were with jisoo.

"Hi unnie! We brought food with us!" Rosé announced happily as she lifted the packed food.

Lisa went to jisoo as she greeted and helped her sit . Then place food on her table for her to eat.

Nayeon helped rosé setting up the food for jisoo.

Jisoo only stared at the food for few minutes. Everyone around her glance at each other as if asking if anything wrong but no one has the answer of it.

"What happened soo, don't you like eat?" Jeongyeon asked

Jizoo frowned as she shut her eyes tightly
"Unnie! Is something wrong ! Should i ca-- UNNIE!" Lisa shouted in surprise
As gasps  were heard from others when jisoo threw away the food .

"Jisoo! Why did you do that!" Nayeon said somewhat scolding her.

Jisoo who has her eyes shut opened it as  she coldy said, " i wanna eat the hospital food"

"You don't have to throw it!" Nayeon scolded her but lisa shook her head signaling her to stay calm.

"I'll ask someone to clean the room." Lisa said and left.

Jisoo went back to lying position and said, "i need to sleep. You guys can go and eat till then " as she closed her eyes.

Nayeon stood up and left angrily . Rose and jeongyeon shared a glance and also left.

After she felt that she is alone in the room she opened her eyes as few tears rolled down.

She wiped them harshly as she stood up from bed with difficulty and went towards the thrown food. She went to squated position as she stare at the food with heavy eyes.

"Why is it painful ! Why can't i able to forget that memory of yours! Why are you so sweet and the next moment those bad memories started playing in front of my eyes." Jisoo mumbled to herself.

"I can still smell the flavors of love that you put into the food i wasted. Sorry for that jendeuk."


Irene and jennie were in the waiting room of some kind of lab.
"Don't be nervous jen. Give her some time. She will understand."

"I dont know irene unnie! I feel guilty to what i have done. I just want to protect her. But i was being eaten bymy own stupid mistakes."

"Its ok! It will be ok" as irene confronted her.

Soon they were called inside of the office to take the result of the lab test. They took there seat.

"Miss bae! You were right there were similarities to there drugs. Here's the full report." Lab operator hanxed them the file.

"The reports stated that miss jennie was influenced with the drugs that was mixed in her drink. It was smallamount thats why it didn't cause harmful problem.

But as for miss kim jisoo. She was drugged heavily, and the bad thing was there was three highly harmful drugs that were mixed together.

Most important thing , two out of those three drugs were illegal and are rare to find among the drug dealers" lab operator stated.

"That means to have these type of drugs you have to be old and good consumer of drugs and have a good knowledge of drug dealing to know how much quNtity must be needed as they drugged me low while jisoo was drugged heavily!" Jennie said frowning.

"Exactly miss kim! Only two people in this country can get you these drugs." Lab operator said as he placed two pictures of the drug dealers i front of them.

" one is already dead and ---"

He was cut-off by irene as she coldly replied
"And one is already out in the open."


It was late at night , jisoo was in her hospital room sleeping . The visiting hours are over and only irene stayed with her to look out for her.

It was midnight, irene was out to grab some coffee, when the door of her room opened.

A person entered her room and went near her . The person caressed her hair and spoke softly.

"I can't resist. I just wanna see you once chu. Please get well soon. I just don't like to see you in hospital bed at all. Am sorry to cause you trouble. I know you don't want me to be near you.

But remember that
I love you and I won't leave you"
Jennie whispered andkissed her head softly as she proceed to leave.

When she went out of the room, jisoo opened her eyes as a lone tear escape from her eye.


Sorry for making you guys wait for so long as i was really confused about how to end it but i finally got it.

Here enjoy the updates 🙌

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