Part 56: Thats Life

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Jisoo was lost in noticing little details of the restaurant while sitting on a window seat across her when irene broke silence,

"This was the favourite restaurant of your mom-Miss nanny"
Jisoo looked at her wide eyed in shock an O shaped formed on her lips
"Oh .... I thought it was Mom Bae's favourite restaurant"

irene smiled at her innocent sister

"Yeah she always take us out here with Jin, she wanted you to have a piece of your mom. It would help you make a beautiful memory with miss nanny in your heart."

Jisoo was blankly staring at her, Hiding all the emotions that is attacking her heart.

She was feeling warm

"How w-was my m-mom like!" Jisoo tried not to shutter but failed extremely.

Irene reached for her hand and gently squeezed it to assure her she is with her to support.

"You are just like her, An angel sent from heaven to us. She was a kind soul just like you who always put me first before anyone else. She was my protector, My teacher, My Image of a pure human.

And you! You are just an exact replica of her. A sister that i dreamed off"

Irene said with sparkling eyes softly looking at her with adoration.

Jisoo felt shy but she nodded her head in acknowledgement as she looked up to her with gloomy eyes.
"Does that mean that I am forgiven!"

It broke Irene's heart when she looked at jisoo.

"It's eating me up since the accident happened. You flipped like a coin, That i couldn't register what's going on around me, Whats to believe and what not to.

I thought i was hallucinating because of medicines. Still it feels unreal that am sitting with you for a dinner. Its like this happy dream i want to live and I don't want to wake up from this dream. Tell me! Its real!"

Jisoo said choking on her words. She was trying her best to not tear up but failed when a tear fall from her left eyes. she immediately wiped it with her arms and looked outside the window.

She doesn't want to show her weak side. She spent years to build up that thick wall of emotions that she doesn't wanna break it.

Irene was feeling miserable seeing her sister in pain.
"A-Am so s-sorry chu!" she couldn't help but to apologise she don't know how to console her sister right now. She hate herself for being the reason for the pain she caused.

"I-Its all real! Believe me! I-I won't leave y-you ever again. For y-years that are passed, I w-will try to c-complete the missing moment of our bond that w-we l-lost. You deserve someone better than me who will take care of you the best way"
Irene said

"I d-don't need best, I j-just need you, Hyunnie!" jisoo said sincerely locking her eyes with irene.

Irene noded her head.
"I am here by your side chu! always! Now promise me you will never hide anything from me and won't get in danger!"
Irene said intertwining her hands with her as she pulled her hand towards her face to give it a kiss on her hand.

Jisoo noded her head as she mouthed a low "Promise"

The waiter interrupted there moment as he placed the dishes on the table. As both wiped there tears and put a warming smile on there faces.

At that moment Jin entered the scene as he sit beside jisoo.
"You two look like you both cried a river!"
he received a hit from Irene.

"wow you are having a siblings date without me!" jin said dramatically

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