Part 58: Memories And Us

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"Are you guys ready for Christmas celebration!" rosé reminded them all, Gaining everyone's attention.

"Rosé! Christmas is 5 weeks away" seulgi said
"I know but we can plan it now so that everything will be prepared by then"

"Its a good idea! Rosie. Plus we can di the secret santa thing like we always do back then in the orphanage" Jennie said jumping around with excitement.

"Secret santa!" Irene said looking confused as Lisa, Jisoo and seulgi also looked at Jennie and Rosé curiously.

"Yeah! Back then in the orphanage, We used to place name slips in one bowl. and everyone got to pick someone's name. After picking the name you have to buy them a gift like Santa but you couldn't reveal your identity. Its always fun being the secret santa!" Rosé said excitedly.

"Waah!! Daebak!!" Lisa said
while seulgi, Jisoo and irene also liked the idea.

"So lets do this!" Jisoo announced.

Making seulgi and lisa squealed in excitement, "Yaaaay!!"

After Jennie made everyone's name slip and put it in the bowl. Everyone picked it up.

"Ok! The game is on! I'll be the best secret santa" seulgi said jumping around challenging them.

"We'll see!" Lisa also jumped in
"You two this is not a competition!" Jisoo said
"No! we are not a team!" Seulgi said
"This is a competition!" Lisa said completing seulgi sentence as they did a fist bump.

"You two are way too dramatic!" Irene said shaking her head a little while laughing at them.


Mr Kim was standing near the tinted window in his office watching the view of the beautiful city with hands in his pocket wearing a designer grey suit.

He was interrupted by a knock, "Come in!" he said

His secretary entered, "Mr Kim, The reports were indeed true" she informed

"Are you sure?" he asked for confirmation
"Yes Mr Kim, Ms Irene has visited the lawyer many times in past 4 months and also Mr Seokjin also has some call entrees with the lawyer!"

Mr kin noded his head and asked
"Have we tracked any conversations yet?"

"Not yet sir, It was difficult to do that till now, They have secured it very well" His secretary said.

"Its ok! Leave the task now, Tell the team to stop there search on it!"
"But sir, we have came so far—-"

"Stop the task, I have some new task to work on!" Mr Kim stated as he turned towards her direction.

"Call the team for an emergency meeting!" Mr Kim said

His secretary nodded and left his office.

He then he went towards his chair and took a seat. He then opened his laptop where his desktop wallpaper is Irene.

"You know what i like about you! You are just like your mother, A Beauty With Brain.

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