Chapter 95

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{Two and a half years later}

'C'mon baby, hurry.' Joe says impatiently.
Ben rushes out of the bedroom. 'Sorry, I still had to brush my teeth.' He chuckles. 'But I'm ready to go to Gwil's.' In a rush, he walks through the living room to gather all his stuff, so he is ready to leave.
Joe raises his eyebrow and tries to hide that he's smiling. 'Are you? Then where are the birthday presents?'
Ben stops hurrying, and thinks for a moment. 'Okay, you win. I'm almost ready.' He walks back into their bedroom and comes back with two presents. 'Okay, now I'm ready. Well I guess I am. Please tell me I didn't forget something else?' The blond boy says with a serious face.
Joe bursts out laughing and shakes his head. 'No baby you didn't. Or well.... I haven't had my kiss yet.' He says with a grin. He pulls his husband closer to him, until their hips touch.
'How could I forget.' Ben mumbles, staring at Joe's lips.
The ginger giggles softly and reunites his lips with Ben's.
After their tongues have danced for a while, they break the kiss.
'Now we're ready to go.' Joe says with a big smile.


Once arrived at Gwil's house, they ring the doorbell.
The door swings open, and in the doorway are Lexi and Tess. The two girls wear both a cute dress, and their hair is braided.
'Hi girls!' Joe says with a smile.
'We heard it's someone's birthday?' Ben asks as he kneels down in front of the girls.
Both Tess and Lexi nod happily.
Joe also kneels down now, opening his arms to ask for a hug.
The twins both giggle before flying into the arms of Ben and Joe.  
'Uncle Benny and Joey, you come in?' Lexi asks with a smile and big innocent eyes.
'Of course we're coming in sweetheart. We don't wanna miss the birthday of our favorite girls, right?' Ben says.
Lexi takes a step forward again, pressing herself against Ben's chest. 'Up up up!' She cheers.
Ben giggles and lifts up the little girl.
Tess does the same by Joe, cheering when she's being lifted.  

When they enter the living room, they see that all their friends are already there.
Rami, Lucy, Gwil and Lina look with a big smile at the four entering the room.
'Look who's here!' Tess exclaims happily. Causing everyone to laugh.
With the twins on their laps, Ben and Joe sit down on the couch. Full of curiosity, the girls open their birthday presents. After that, they happily walk to Gwil and Lina to show them their presents. 'Mom, look!' Lexi says, showing Lina the Barbie doll she got.
Lina giggles softly. 'It's beautiful honey.' She says before giving her daughter a kiss on the head.
Gwil looks at his two girl loving their gifts. 'Have you said thank you yet?' He says.
Lexi and Tess shakes their heads before running to Ben and Joe. 'Thank you!' They exclaim at the same time before hugging the two.
The two both let out a soft giggle. 'You're welcome girls. We're glad you like them.' Joe says with a big smile.
When the doorbell rings again, the twins both hurry to the front door to open it, dropping their dolls onto the couch.
Ben and Joe get up from the couch again, and walk towards Gwil and Lina.
'Congrats with your little girls guys.' Ben says to the two.
'I can't believe they're three years old already. They grow up too fast.' Lina says with a smile.
Gwil nods in agreement, and gives her a sweet kiss.
'They've only gotten more adorable with the years.' Joe says. Ben, Rami and Lucy nod in agreement.
Then Lexi and Tess enter the living room again.
'Who was at the door?' Gwil asks them.
A few seconds later, Brian and Roger walk into the living room as well.
'We were.' Roger says with a smirk.
All look in surprise at them, since no one knew they would be here.
'We were getting some stuff done in the New York music studio's, so we thought we'd hop by.' Brian explains with a smile.
They all smile.
'That's really sweet.' Lina says.

Brian and Roger both sit down in an arm chair, beckoning the girls to come sit with them so they can open their presents.
With a smile, the two give the girls each a small box.
Bursting with curiosity, Tess and Lexi carefully open the small boxes.
They all smile when they see Brian and Roger got the two both a necklace with their name on it. Since the two girls look identical, they all agree it's the perfect present. At least now they know who is who.
While the girls are admiring their new necklaces, Joe gets a call. He looks who it is, and taps Ben. 'It's Cat. I'll be right back.' He almost whispers.
Ben smiles and nods.
'Where's Joe going?' Lucy asks surprised when she sees Joe leaving the room.
Ben has to make an effort not to smile. 'Just some work stuff.' He says, trying his best to make it sound believable.
With a smile Ben watches how Lexi crawls onto Rami's lap.
Tess has sat down on Roger's lap, and has pressed the side of her face against his chest.
It's truly the cutest thing Ben has ever seen.
'So Gwil, how's the life of a newlywed?' Brian asks the boy with a big smile.
Gwil looks at Lina with a smile, and intertwines their fingers. 'It's great, right sweetie?'
Lina nods before pressing herself against Gwil's body, letting her head rest on his chest.
'You do realize that they've been married for like eight months already, right? You can hardly call that newlyweds anymore.' Ben says to Brian with a small grin.
The guitarist rolls his eyes with a smile. 'Yeah well, I've been in the UK since the wedding so for me they're still newlyweds.' Brian says with a shrug.
Roger nods in agreement.

When Joe returns to the room, Lucy sees him whispering something in Ben's ear.
The blond boy smiles and nods.
'What are you two up to?' Lucy asks with a raised eyebrow.
Joe looks at his husband. 'Are we gonna tell them today?' He asks.
Ben thinks for a moment, and then nods. 'I think we should.' He says with a big smile.
Suddenly all eyes are focused on the two.
'What do you have to tell us?' Brian asks curiously.
Ben chuckles when he sees all the curious gazes looking at them full of anticipation. 
'Well uhm, Ben and I have been hiding something from you for the past four months.' Joe admits.
Ben nods in agreement. 'In five months we're going to be parents.' He says with a big smile.
Immediately everyone's jaw drops.
'What!? That's amazing! Congratulations boys.' Lucy is the first to jump up from the couch to hug both boys. 'I'm so happy for you.' She whispers during the hug.
'Thanks Luce.' Joe says softly.

After everyone hugged the two, everyone starts to ask questions.
Joe chuckles softly. 'No, we're not adopting. My best friend Cat is the surrogate mother.' He says with a smile, answering Gwil's question.
Ben nods, and takes Joe's hand. 'She really wanted to help us.' He adds with a smile.
Rami thinks for a moment. 'Is Cat the girl who took your wedding pictures?' He asks.
Joe nods.
'She's really nice. I'm so happy for you two.' Rami says with a huge smile. 'How did you ask her to be your surrogate?'
Joe giggles softly. 'We didn't. We were talking about having kids someday, and she just offered. She said she'd always wanted to know what being pregnant feels like, but isn't ready to take care of a baby right now.' He explains.
Ben nods in agreement. When he looks at Roger, he sees him looking their way with a proud look in his eyes. The blond smiles at him, which is received with a big smile back.
'That call I just got was Cat. She had her 16 weeks ultrasound today. Everything is great, fortunately.' Joe continues. 
Brian smiles. 'That's good to hear.' He says.
'I can't believe you two will be parents of a little boy or girl in a few months. You two will be so great.' Lina says.
The others nod in agreement.
The smile on Ben's face grows even more. 'Thanks.' He says softly.
Joe can't help but grin when he thinks about the sentence he is about to say. Because Ben doesn't know this yet either. 'We already know the gender, actually.'
Immediately Ben looks at him with wide eyes. 'We do?' He asks surprised.
Joe chuckles and nods. 'Yeah.' He says with a mysterious smile. 'Cat just told me.'
'Well tell us.' Roger says impatiently. 'We're very curious, aren't we?' He says with a smile to the girl on his lap. Tess nods with a big smile.
Joe giggles. 'Okay okay, easy.' He raises his hands apologetically.
Ben chuckles, and looks expectantly to his husband.
'We're having a girl.' Joe says beaming.
Ben's eyes immediately soften, his jaw slightly drops. 'Really?' He says softly.
Joe nods, and can't stop the tear forming in his eyes.
Ben immediately hugs him, trembling with happiness.
Then all the eyes move towards the little Lexi, who jumps off Rami's lap and walks towards her sister. She whispers something in Tess' ear, and after that they both walk to Ben and Joe.
Tess taps on Ben's knee. The latter lifts her up, onto his lap. And so does Joe with Lexi.
'Uncle Benny? Can we be friends with her?' She asks with her big brown eyes.
Both Ben and Joe let out a soft 'ahw'.
'Girls, of course you can. You two will be the best friends in the world.' Joe says with a big smile, still tears in his eyes. When he looks up to his husband, he sees a single tear gliding down Ben's cheek. 'No no no, don't you start crying. I'm trying to stop.' Joe says with a soft sniffle.
Which earns a bunch of laughter from the others.
'To late, I've already started.' Ben says with a big smile. The smile grows even bigger when Tess gives him a hug.

After a while of chatting, Joe suddenly bends over to whisper something in Ben's ear. 'I think I know a name for our girl.'
Ben immediately smiles widely once Joe has told him the name. 'I love that name.' He says.
Joe can feel his heart explode with happiness. 'So I guess we have a name then.' He says, this time out loud so the others are also able to hear it.
Immediately all eyes are focused on them again.
'Rose.' The two boys say in sync. 

Hey guysss♡ How was this chapter? Thought it was pretty cute myself😊 There's a Hardzello baby on the way!!!

After this there is only one chapter left until the end🥲 After that I'll start uploading my Hardzello fanfic called "It's A Hard Life"

Much love from me people❤

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