Chapter 85

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The week after Joe was rejected for the part, he started coming up with some ideas for a film. 
Once he knew what kind of film he wanted to make, he started working diligently on things like the script. 

'Baby, are you coming to bed? It's almost 1 Am.'
Joe looks up from his laptop, and sees his boyfriend standing in the doorway with a sleepy smile. He gives Ben a confusing look. 'Hmm?'
Ben chuckles sleepily. 'I asked if you're coming to bed, because it's pretty late already. I don't want you to exhaust yourself.' He says.
Joe smiles and nods. 'Yeah, you're right. I'm coming.' He closes his laptop and gets up. 
Once the two of them are in bed, Joe catches Ben on staring at him. For a moment he decides not to say anything and just enjoy the attention he's getting from his boyfriend.
When Ben bites his lip, the smile on Joe's face only grows bigger.
'What's on your mind, angel?' The ginger whispers softly.
Ben snuggles close to the older boy, and places his head on Joe's chest. 'Just thinking about how proud I am of you.' He whispers while intertwining their fingers.
Joe feels his heart pounding with happiness. He can feel himself starting to blush, and gives Ben a quick kiss. 'Good night my love.' He whispers with a big smile.
Ben closes his eyes and mumbles something.
Joe can't figure out what he said because it's muffled by the fabric of his shirt. But he is sure that Ben said something sweet.
With their fingers still intertwined, the two fall asleep. 

In the middle of the night, Ben wakes up when he feels someone stirring next to him. He cracks one eye open, and sees Joe wide awake next to him. The boy seems to be deeply absorbed in his thoughts, and is staring at the ceiling.
Ben takes his hand to let him know that he's awake, so Joe doesn't startle. 'Hey, what's wrong baby? Can't you sleep?' Ben whispers.
Joe puts on a smile, but it isn't very believable. 'Just a headache.' He says softly.
Ben sits up a little bit. 'Shall I get you some painkillers?'
Joe runs his hand through Ben's hair and shakes his head. 'That's very sweet of you, but that's not an option. I have already had the maximum dose that I'm allowed to have per day. But don't worry about me, I'll survive.' 
'Well, I do worry about you cause you're my boyfriend.' Ben says with a small smile. 'Anything I can do for you?' He takes Joe's hand again, and places a small kiss on the back of it. 
'Please just cuddle me?' Joe asks softly.
Ben nods and opens his arms for the boy. Joe crawls close to him, and places his head on Ben's chest.
Ben puts his arm around the older boy, and pulls him close. 'Try to catch some sleep my love. You look exhausted.' He whispers.
Joe nods and closes his eyes. 'I love you.' He mumbles before slowly drifting asleep.
'I love you too Joey.' Ben says softly with a smile.


The next morning, Ben's alarm goes off early. Sleepyly, he turns it off and tries to remember why he has to get up this early. When he sees his sport bag in the corner of the room he remembers. Today he has his physical test. He really hopes he passes, so he can get the part in a big movie.
When he turns around he sees that Joe isn't next to him anymore. After Ben has put on some sweatpants, he walks towards the living room to see if Joe is there.
No answer. 
After calling a few times more he gets an answer back.
'In the bathroom.' It sounds very softly.
Ben smiles and walks to the bathroom. When he opens the door he sees Joe standing in front of the mirror, leaning with his hands on the sink. Judging by the towel around his waist, he has just gotten out of the shower. 'Are you okay?' Ben asks concerned.
Joe closes his eyes and manages to say a soft "no". 
Ben sees how pale he looks and walks over to him.
'I'm so dizzy Ben.' Joe whispers.
Ben takes his hand, and feels how cold and sweaty it is. 'Let's sit down first sweetie. I don't want you to pass out and hit your head or something.'
Joe nods, and together they walk to their bedroom.
When they sit down on the bed, Ben touches Joe's forehead with his hand. 'You have a fever. How do you feel?' 
Joe closes his eyes again and takes a few deep breaths. 'Tired, nauseous, huge headache.' He mumbles. 'I thought a shower would make it less but it only got worse.'
Ben gets up and gives him a kiss on the forehead. 'Well go back to bed then. I'll cancel my activities for today so I can stay with you.'
Joe looks at him with wide eyes and shakes his head. 'No, you can't. You have your physical today. If you miss that you won't get the part.' He says softly.
Ben shrugs and picks his phone from the bedside table. 'I don't care, you're more important.' He says determined.
'Ben, no. You're going.' Joe says. He really doesn't wanna be the reason why Ben doesn't get the part he deserves.
'Joe, I'm staying. I'm not going to leave you alone when you have a fever.' Ben says.
Joe swears he saw the panic in his eyes for a moment. 'Why not?'
'Because the last time you had a fever, you stopped fucking breathing Joe!' Ben nearly yells.
Joe doesn't know what to say to this, and stays quiet.
Ben walks out of the room to make a call.

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