Chapter 25

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After Joe is showered and changed, he nervously looks at the clock. It will be seven o'clock in 5 minutes. Only 5 more minutes before he has a date with Ben. Something he thought would never happen.
The boy gathers all his things, and prepares to pick up Ben. He checks his phone for the fifth and last time. He smiles when he sees that Gwil has sent him a message wishing him luck.
Joe takes a deep breath and leaves for Ben's hotel room.

Once arrived, he knocks on the door.
It opens immediately. A shy Ben is standing in the doorway.
Although the boy is just wearing simple jeans and a white shirt, Joe's jaw drops. 'You look amazing.' He says softly. When he sees that Ben left the top two buttons of his shirt open, he bites his lip ever so slightly. Unwittingly, Joe stares at the portion of Ben's chest that has been revealed.
'So do you, kidnapper.' Ben says as he looks at Joe from head to toe. The ginger is also wearing something simple; A pair of blue jeans and a black buttoned shirt.
Joe starts blushing a little, and shyly looks down at his shoes. 'Can I take you with me, Mr Hardy?' He asks softly.
Ben nods. 'You can. But only because it's you, Mr Mazzello.' He says with a huge smile.
Joe giggles softly before taking Ben's hand to pull him along.
Together they walk to the parking lot of the hotel.
Ben wants to get in his car, but Joe stops him. 'I rented a car today. I'm going to blindfold you, otherwise it won't be a surprise anymore.' The ginger says with a chuckle.
Ben smiles and lets Joe blindfold him.
After that, the ginger helps him to get into the car. Ben lets out a soft giggle, which warms Joe's heart.

Not much later, the two are on their way to their date location.
All the way, Ben sits next to Joe with a big smile.
The smile even grows when he hears a soft thump, followed by Joe cursing softly. 'What happened?' The blond boy asks with a giggle.
Joe lets out a sigh. 'I dropped my phone.' He mumbles, bursting with nerves. He wants to pick up his phone, but before he can his hand gets taken. 
'Don't let us crash.' Ben says with a serious face.
Joe giggles. 'I'm trying really hard not to. But I need my phone to see how we get to our date venue.' He says.
Ben squeezes the boy's hand gently when he can feel the boy tremble because of the nerves. 'Don't be too nervous, it's just me.' He says reassuringly.
Joe smiles at him, but then realizes Ben can't see it because of the blindfold. 'I know, but you are not just anybody. You are very special, you know that?' A small grin appears on his face when he sees that Ben's cheeks are slowly turning red.
'Well I'm not the only special one here. I am sitting next to a very special person right now. And he makes me very curious.' Ben giggles.
Joe has to do his best not to blush. 'Well, we're almost there, so you will remain curious for a little while next to a special person.'
Ben bites his lip. 'I think I'll survive that.'

After a while, Joe stops the car. 'We're at our date location. I will help you out of the car.' He says before hopping out of the car himself.
Ben smile when he can hear the excitement in the boy's voice.
Joe helps him out of the car and guides him to walk. 'Right, and then a little bit this way.' He says softly. 'Don't trip.'
Ben lets out a giggle. 'I'll try.' He feels the ground getting steeper under his feet. He smiles widely. 'What are you up to, kidnapper?'
Joe giggles. 'Just wait, hostage.' He says as he sends Ben in the right direction. 'We are almost there.' He says to make Ben just a little more curious. 'Okay, stay here.'
Ben nods obediently and laughs. 'I'm not walking away with this blindfold on.' He hears some rumbling, and then he feels his blindfold being taken off.
'And here we go.' Joe says.
When Ben opens his eyes, his mouth falls open. In front of him he sees a shy Joe. Behind Joe is a romantically set table with a single rose on it in a vase. Speechless, Ben looks around. He sees that they're standing on a hill on the outskirts of town. The view is overwhelming.
'Do you like it? All restaurants are booked solid, so I figured I'd have to make it special myself.' Joe steps up next to Ben and looks at the city skyline.
Ben looks at him. 'I- I love it.' He whispers.
Joe breathes a sigh of relief. Ben smiles at him. 'Sorry, I was afraid you wouldn't like it.' Joe says softly.
Ben looks at him with wide eyes. 'How can I not like this. It's perfect.'
A smile appears on Joe's face.
'May I ask you to have dinner with me, Mr Hardy?' Joe reaches his hand out to him.
Ben takes his hand with a smile. 'I would love nothing more, Mr Mazzello.'


In the meantime, Gwil, Rami and Lucy are having a movie night together in the hotel.
Gwil pauses the TV. 'Who wants some snacks?' He says with a smile.
Lucy and Rami nod in agreement. 'Good idea Gwil.' Lucy says before she crawls a little closer to Rami.
The latter smiles at her before he grabs his phone. 'How would the date go? I haven't heard from them since they left.'
Lucy gives him a reassuring smile. 'Honey, don't worry about that. Those two are crazy about each other. So no news is good news.'
Rami gives her a kiss on the cheek. 'If you say so, Miss Boynton.'
Lucy giggles softly and gives him a playful nudge.
'Well Gwil, just a little while longer and you will be the only Borhap actor who is single.' Rami says when Gwil walks into the room with a bowl of chips.
Gwil looks at him with a small smirk. 'Oh is that so? Gosh then I have to call my girlfriend to say that I will be single again soon.'
He pretends to think.
'Nehh, I love my girlfriend, so I'm not going to be single yet.' Gwil sits down on the couch next to his friends again.
Rami looks at him with wide eyes. 'Wait, you have a girlfriend? Why don't I know this?' He asks surprised.
Gwil shrugs with a smile.
When he looks at Lucy he sees her eyes twinkle. 'Omg Gwil! I am so happy for you. You've finally found a girlfriend?'
Lucy gets up and wants to give him a hug.
Gwil stops her. 'Whoa whoa, wait a minute. I am the only one here with a relationship longer than a year. Lina and I have been together for four years now.' He says with a huge smirk.
Lucy's jaw drops in surprise. 'But you never told us about her?'
Gwil nods. 'That's right. Look, I wanted to introduce her to you, but she's kind of shy. That's why she asked me if I could wait a little longer. But I can show you a picture? She's so beautiful.' He says with a dreamy look.
Rami and Lucy both nod.
Gwil shows them a picture of him and a girl side by side on top of a high building. The girl has brown hair and green eyes. She is slightly shorter than Gwil. Although it is very difficult to find someone taller than him.
'She seems very nice.' Lucy says softly.
Gwil nods. 'She is.' He says with a big smile.

After a while of talking, they start the movie again.
'I still want to know how their date is going.' Rami says sulking.
Causing Lucy and Gwil burst out laughing.

Nothing to say today people🙃
Enjoy your day♡

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