Chapter 6

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Heyyy, because it's Joe's birthday today, I'm uploading this extra chapter :) Have fun xxx

Joe wakes up, because of a rush of nausea running through his body. Stupid fever.
He checks his phone to see what time it is and sees that it is only two o'clock at night.
His head starts pounding with a huge headache. Slowly, he sits up. Maybe there are some of those painkillers left from yesterday.
He gets out of bed carefully, so Ben won't wake up.
The ginger gently opens the bathroom door, and searches in the cupboard to look for any kind of painkillers.
Maybe he should also take a sleeping pill. Then at least he won't be exhausted at work tomorrow.
After searching for a while, he finds a jar with children's painkillers. Joe always has it in his bag in case his little niece needs one. It won't work as well as normal ones, but it's solid enough to take away the headache.
Which he really needs right now, since standing for a long time made his headache even worse.
Then, he suddenly gets very dizzy. His vision gets blurry, and he accidentally drops the jar. The glass jar explodes against the cold bathroom floor, and glass shards and painkillers fly through the room.

Ben wakes up from the loud noise. He looks next to him, and sees that Joe is no longer with him in bed.
He rushes to the bathroom and sees Joe lying motionless on the floor. Ben freezes for a moment, not knowing what to do.
Then runs to the room of Gwil across the hall. He knocks on the door in a panic until it opens.
Gwil appears sleepily in the doorway. 'Jeez Ben, do you know what time ..... wait, what's going on?' Gwil looks at Ben, who is completely in panic.
Ben gestures the boy to come along.
Gwil decides not to ask any more questions and runs after Ben.
He gasps when he sees Joe lying down on the floor. He kneels down next to Joe and checks the boy's pulse. 'His pulse is okay. I need you to go get Rami, we need his help.'
Ben nods and storms out of the room.
A minute later, Rami is also in Joe's hotel room. He is shocked when he sees what Joe looks like. He's still lying motionless on the floor, with blood on his face from the glass that flew through the bathroom.
'Rami, grab Joe and we'll lift him to his bed together. Ben, call an ambulance.' While Gwil instructs his friends, he tries to keep himself as calm as possible.
'Maybe I should call the ambulance.' Rami says, nodding to Ben. G
wil sees that Ben is in a complete panic, and now starts to breathe faster and faster.
Gwil nods, as a sign for Rami to start calling. Then he turns to Ben. 'Ben, you have to help me lift Joe. Okay?'
Ben takes a deep breath and nods. Together they lift Joe up and carefully place him on the bed. They both sit on one side of Joe, staring at their friend as they're waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
Tears run down Ben's cheeks. This reminds him of the past. What if Joe....-
No don't think about it. That is something from then.
'Rami when is that ambulance coming!?' Ben hears a slight panic in Gwil's voice. And only now does he understand why.
Joe looks completely purple.
He's not breathing.
Ben feels an attack of anxiety coming. The tears keep coming, he's breathing way too fast, and he can't get that image of Joe lying on the floor out of his mind.

At that moment the door opens, and the ambulance team enters the room.
One paramedic goes to Rami so he can explain to her what happened. The rest of the team goes to Joe to help him.
Gwil sits down on the couch with Ben. He puts his arms around him so he can calm down. 'Oh buddy come here, I got you. It's all going to be fine Ben, really.'
The blond is still in a panic, but has stopped crying. The only sound coming from him are some soft sniffles. 
'It all comes back to me Gwil. We can't lose him. Not this again.' Ben shivers and watches the ambulance team take Joe on a stretcher.
Gwil doesn't understand him, but decides now is not the time to ask what Ben means.
Rami has finished his explanation to the paramedic and sits down with his friends. 'They rush Joe to the hospital. I drive us. Are you okay Ben?'
Ben nods, but behind him Gwil shakes no. Rami frowns, and briefly hugs the blond boy.


Once in the car, Gwil sees Ben playing nervously with his hoodie in the backseat. He looks at Rami, who's sitting behind the wheel, with concern.
The black-haired boy gives his friend a desperate look and shrugs, not knowing what to do to help Ben.
Then Gwil gets an idea. 'Ben, why don't you give Brian a call? He can calm you down a bit, and tell Roger what happened.'
Ben nods and searches for his phone with shaking hands. It takes a while for Brian to answer.
'Hey Ben, what's going on?' He asks kindly, but Ben also hears a bit of concern in his voice.
'Uhm hey Brian, sorry to call you this time, but something happened.' Ben says in a shaky voice. He bites his lip, trying to keep in his tears.
There is a moment of silence on the other end of the line.
'Tell me, what happened? Is it serious?' Brian asks, already knowing it can't be good, judging by Ben's trembling voice.
Ben bursts into tears. 'It- it's Joe. I f-found him on the bathroom floor this night. We put him on the bed and called the a-ambulance. But then, then-'
Tears stream down his cheeks, and make it hard for him to breathe.
'Calm down Ben, take a deep breath.' Brian says calmly, even though his heart is beating in his throat.
'He stopped breathing Brian. He just stopped breathing.' Ben sobs. 'I am so scared.'
It is quiet again.
'It's all going to be fine Ben. I'm coming to the hospital now. Stay calm and support each other.'
That finally calms Ben down a bit. 'Thanks Brian. I really appreciate that.' He says, wiping away his tears. He ends the call, and closes his eyes. He keeps his eyes closed for a while, and does some breathing techniques to calm down.
When he opens his eyes again he says: 'You were right Gwil.'
Gwil looks back. 'So Brian calmed you down?' He asks with a small smile.
Ben turns a little red. He is glad that it is night and Gwil can't see it. 'Uhm yes, but I wasn't talking about that.'
Gwil gives him a quizzical look.
'I think I like Joe.'
In the rearview mirror, the blond sees Rami's eyes twinkle.
He wants to say something else, but then he sees that they've arrived at the hospital.

Hey heyyy.
Well like I said: I'm not that good at writing cliffhangers yet.
But I can tell you there is still a lot of drama coming.
And a lot of hardzzello of course :)
Hope you enjoyed it♡

Xxx from me <3

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