Chapter 24

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It remains silent for a moment.
'Guys, what's going on?' Joe's heart starts to beat faster and faster.
Then Adam bursts out laughing, earning an indignant look from Roger. 'Sorry guys. I really couldn't hold back anymore. Look at his face.'
Joe doesn't understand, and looks confused at Adam.
'There is nothing wrong at all. Don't worry Joe.' Brian says as he has to do his best not to laugh. 'We asked the director to stop a little earlier so you and Ben have enough time to prepare for your date.'
A smile slowly appears on Joe's face. 'But that's- that's so sweet of you guys.' He says. 'But you really shouldn't have. I mean, it's just a date. This movie is way more important.' He says.
Brian smiles. 'Don't worry about that. We're still ahead of schedule, so that ain't a problem. Plus Gwil just told me he isn't feeling well, so we thought going home early won't hurt. You and Ben deserve a great date.' He explains.
Roger nods in agreement.
Joe smiles reassured. 'Okay then.'
'So Joe, who actually asked who on a date?' Adam suddenly asks with a smirk.
Brian gives him a shake of his head.
'I'd like to know that too.' Roger says with a wink.
Joe immediately starts to blush. 'Oh well uhm, I asked Ben out.'
He sees a big smile appear on Adam's face. 'Ha, told ya!' The young man exclaims, looking at Roger with a victorious smile.
Roger shakes his head in defeat.
Brian looks at the two with disapproval. 'Did you two bet again?' He asks with a sigh.
Adam giggles and nods. 'I get to pick out Roger's outfit for his cameo.'
Roger rolls his eyes.
Joe chuckles. 'Make something beautiful of him, Adam.' He playfully sticks out his tongue.
Roger grunts. 'Shouldn't you be changing? Or do you go to your date in Deaky style?' He asks.
Joe laughs. 'No you're right, I have to change. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Thank you so much again.' And with these words Joe rushes towards his trailer.

When he has finally taken off his costume and wig, he tries to do his hair right. He tidies up his trailer a bit and gets ready to go.
Then he gets a message from Gwil.

(16:05 Pm) Gwil: Hey hey. Would you like me to take Ben to the hotel? Then you can prepare your date in peace ;)

(16:05 Pm) Joe: That would be great Gwil. Thank you very much. I owe you :)

Gwilym returns a thumb emoji.
Joe is about to put his phone away, when Ben sends him a text too.

(16:06 Pm) Ben: Hi, I'm already going to the hotel with Gwil and Rami. I can't wait for tonight :) What do you think I should wear?

(16:06 Pm) Joe: Just wear something casual, I bet you look good in it ;) Looking forward to our dinner together. See you at seven :)

Joe calls a cab and puts his phone in his bag. He rushes outside and looks nervously at his watch.
Although he still has 3 hours to prepare everything, he is in a hurry. He first takes the taxi to their date's location, so that he can prepare everything.
After waiting five minutes, the taxi arrives.
He gets in, and the driver looks at him through the rearview mirror. 'You're Joe Mazzello aren't you?'
Joe looks at the man questioningly. Does he know this guy? Instead of asking, he just nods.
'Sorry, big fan.' The man chuckles.
Joe gives him a nervous smile. That explains it.
'Where can I take you?' the man asks while he starts the car.


About an hour later, the entire venue is ready for their date.
Joe takes a step back and gives it a satisfied look. He checks his watch, and lets out a shaky breath. Just less than two hours before he has to pick up Ben.
He takes a taxi, and goes to a car rental company. After renting a car for tonight, the ginger drives back to the hotel so he can get changed.
On the way to his hotel room he meets Rami.
'Joe, good to see you. There's something wrong with Ben, but he doesn't want to tell us what.' The black-haired boy says the moment he sees Joe.
Joe looks worriedly at Rami. 'What happened?'
Rami shrugs. 'I have no idea actually. During the drive here he received a phone call from someone. He didn't want to tell us who it was, but he's been acting strange ever since. He's been in his room for an hour now. Gwil and I both tried to talk to him, but he won't open the door for us.' He tells with frown.
A frown appears on Joe's face as well. 'I'll go to him.' He says.
Rami shows him a small smile and nods. 'Thanks. Please let me know if he's okay.'
'I will.' Joe says before he runs off to Ben's room.

When Joe arrives at the hotel room he listens to see if he can hear Ben. He doesn't hear anything, and knocks softly on the door. 'Ben? Are you there? It's me, Joe.' He says.
The room still stays silent.
The ginger knocks again, this time a little harder. 'Ben? Please let me in?'
'C-come in.' It sounds very softly from behind the door.
Joe keys in the code for Ben's room and enters the room. There he sees Ben sitting on his bed, his hands in his hair.
He sees the boy's shoulders shake while soft sobs are heard. 'Hey buddy, what's going on?' Joe sits down on the bed as well, putting his arm around the younger boy.
Ben sniffles softly, trying to stop crying. He looks up, allowing Joe to see his bloodshot eyes from crying. Joe gets even more worried when he can see fear reflecting in Ben's green eyes. 'It's- it's about Corey. The police released him. I'm so scared he's going to come back to me for revenge.' The blond boy lets out a loud sob before hugging Joe tightly.
Joe immediately joins the hug, putting his arms around his friend. With wide eyes he stares straight ahead, while he gently rubs his hand over Ben's back.
After a few minutes, they let go of the hug.
'But- but.' Joe stutters. 'I don't get it? He knocked you out. How can they just release him? They should know better, right? They took pictures of your injuries for evidence. Then why have they released him?' He rattles.
Ben looks down sadly. 'I don't know.' He mumbles as he wipes away his tears. 'I'm so scared Joey.' He adds.
Tears come to Joe's eyes. He hates seeing his best friend like this. Ben didn't deserve this at all. 'I am with you. And I'm going to protect you from that awful person. Promises.' Joe says softly before hugging the boy again.
That way they stay put for a while.
'Thank you.' Ben whispers during the hug.
As answer, Joe tightens his grip a little, pulling Ben a little closer to his chest.
'If you want we can also move our date to tomorrow? You already have enough on your mind.'
Joe says softly.
Ben shakes his head in Joe's neck before he lets go of the ginger. 'I would love nothing more than going on that date. Please?'
Joe smiles widely and nods. 'Then I'll go and get changed. I can't wait to kidnap you.' He says with a wink.
'I'll see you in a minute, kidnapper.' Ben says with a smile.
With a warm feeling in his chest, Joe leaves the room.
As soon as he gets to his own hotel room, he grabs his phone. He quickly seeks for the chat with Rami.

(18:37 Pm) Joe: Talked to Ben and he's okay. I'll tell you what's going on later, but for now you don't have to worry. We're still going on a date tonight. Wish me luck ;)

(18:40 Pm) Rami: Thank you very much. Good that everything is okay again. And don't worry about that date, it's going to be great. Have fun :)

With a big smile, Joe puts his phone away and starts getting ready for the date.

The Hardzzello date is coming very close now😍 Y'all are gonna love it♡

Btw I'm still in the hospital and I'm having a week off from school so there will be a lot more chapters for you guys❤
Take care of yourself
xxx from me

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