Chapter 49

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'Am I the only one who thinks Joe doesn't look that good?' Gwil whispers.
He and Rami both look concerned at the sleeping Joe.
Rami shakes his head. 'No, you're right. He looks quite pale. I doubt whether he had breakfast this morning. When we got here yesterday he skipped it too.' He says softly.
'Then it is a good thing we brought lunch.' Gwil says as he puts a bag full of sandwiches on the table.
Rami checks his phone when he hears that he just received a message. He giggles when he reads the message. 

(13:18 Pm) Lucy: Hey babe. Lina and I just arrived at the mall. Prepare Gwil for piles of adorable baby clothes :) Say hello to Joe and Ben from us.
Love you♡

Rami reads the message aloud.
Gwil rolls his eyes with a huge smile. 'It's a good thing we're moving to a bigger house, otherwise I would have had to take Lina's credit card.' He says. 'I'm gonna drown in baby stuff.'
Which makes Rami laugh.
'Let's get the sandwiches ready for when Joe wakes up. He really needs to eat.' Gwil says.
Rami nods. 'Good idea.' He says in agreement.


An hour later, Joe still isn't awake.
Gwil nervously circles the room. 'Shouldn't we wake him up? It is almost half past two and he still hasn't eaten. And he looks very pale.' He says worried.
Rami nods.
But just when the two want to wake Joe up, the ginger sits up. Sweaty and panicked, he looks around the room.
Rami immediately sits down next to him and puts his arm around Joe. 'Another nightmare?' He asks softly.
Joe nods, staring straight ahead in shock. 
Gwil also sits down next to Joe. 'Just a little while Joe. In a little while Ben will be awake again. You can do this. We are gonna help you.' He says encouragingly. 
Joe quickly wipes away a tear. 'Thank you guys. For everything. If you hadn't been there I wouldn't have kept this up.' He says gratefully.
Rami holds him a little tighter. Slowly he feels Joe's muscles relaxing.
'What do you think about lunch?' Gwil asks after a while.
Joe looks at him in surprise. 'Already? Isn't it too early for lunch?'
Gwil and Rami look at each other and burst out in laughter.
'Joe, it's half past two.' Rami says with a giggle.
Joe's mouth falls open. 'But- but I had set an alarm so that I would be awake when visitor hour started at one o'clock. How long have you two been here before I woke up?' He asks with a red head.
Rami grins. 'Oh, not that long. Just since the visitors hour started.' He says with a wink.
Joe looks at him in surprise. 'Jesus and you didn't even wake me up?' He asks indignantly.
Gwil shrugs. 'Well, you looked tired, so we let you sleep for a while. And during that time we prepared lunch.' He says, pointing at the sandwiches at the table. 
Joe gets up, avoiding the gazes of his friends. 'Oh er... thanks guys, but I'm not really hungry. I'll eat something later.' He mumbles.
Gwil and Rami look at each other with raised eyebrows.
'Joe, you say that every day. Did you had breakfast this morning?' Gwil asks with a stern look in his eyes.
Joe looks away and shakes his head. 'I didn't have time for it this morning. When I got back from the hotel, Peter was already here.' When his friends look at him quizzically, Joe realizes they don't know that Ben's dad came to visit this morning. 'Oh uhm, Peter is Ben's dad. I explained the situation to him over the phone. I invited him so he and Ben can bond.' He explains. 
Rami smiles. 'That's very sweet of you Joe. But now you really have to eat something. We don't want you to pass out the day before Ben wakes up. Ben would want you to eat, right?'
Gwil smiles. That was a good move from Rami. And as Gwil expected, Joe nods and sits down at the dinner table.
'You're right, I probably need to eat something.' The ginger mumbles.


The rest of the day, the three friends spend with catching up and relaxing.
Joe is happy that his friends are there so he doesn't beat himself up too much. His friends don't know that he has nightmares and anxiety attacks almost every night.
During the movie, Joe has to do his best not to fall asleep. But after a while, he really can't keep his eyes open anymore. 
Gwil gently taps Rami on the shoulder. 
The latter gives him a disturbed look at first. But the indignant look quickly turns into a smile when he sees what Gwil means.
Joe has fallen asleep, and is leaning with his head on Gwil's shoulder.
Rami turns off the movie and gets up, still looking at the ginger with a smile.
Gwil carefully maneuvers out from under Joe, and gently scoops him up. He gently puts him down onto the bed, and covers him with the duvets.
'Don't be jealous Ben. You will be awake tomorrow, and after a while you can carry Joe yourself again.' Rami says with a grin on his face.
'Goodnight boys. We'll see you tomorrow.' Gwil whispers with a smile to his two friends. He quickly writes Joe a note, saying he and Rami went home. After that he and Rami leave the room.

In the hall they see a nurse approaching. 'Hi, I was just on my way to prepare Joe for tomorrow. Can I enter?' She asks the two of them kindly.
'Well uhm, Joe isn't feeling well and just fell asleep. But can you tell us? We'll be back here tomorrow, probably before Joe wakes up.' Gwil suggests.
The nurse nods. 'Okay then.' She says with a smile. 'Tomorrow morning, Ben will have one more check up and he will be fed through the tube. At that check up we will administer stronger pain relief and a medicine to wake him up. He should be awake around lunch time. He will be a little loopy for the first hour, because his brain and his body have to get used to the fact that they have to do everything themselves again. If he still doesn't know who you are after that hour, for example, you should call Dr. Smith. Then he will examine a number of things to see how long his temporary amnesia will last.' She looks at the two friends to see if Gwil and Rami understood.
'Thank you very much. We'll see you tomorrow ma'am.' Rami says before he shakes her hand.
And with the nurse's explanation in mind, the two leave the hospital.

Hiiii❤ Actually I don't have much to say today🙃 this was chapter 49 already😵

Xxx from me aka queenborhap_gifs♡

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