Chapter 47

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'L-Lucy went to the cafeteria for lunch.' Rami stammers. 'Is everything alright?'
Gwil sits in a chair and buries his head in his hands.
Joe looks at Lina in a panic.
The girl sits down next to her boyfriend, putting her arm around him.
Joe can see Gwil shake. He kneels next to the chair. 'Hey Gwil, don't cry. I-is something wrong with the baby?' He asks, trying to comfort his friend a little.
Before he can say anything else, Gwil lifts his head and looks at him with a big smile. 'Oh but I'm not crying. I'm smiling.' He says with a smirk.
Lina's sad look has also turned into a big smile.
Joe and Rami look at each other in confusion.
'But no, nothing is wrong with the baby. Or should I say babies.' With a big grin, Gwil waits for his friends to understand what he just said.
'Y- you mean that......' Joe tries to say something but can't get his words out.
Rami looks at the two with wide eyes. 'No way. Really?' Is the only thing he can say.
Gwil and Lina nod. 'Lina is pregnant with twins.' Gwil says with twinkling eyes.
Joe immediately hugs the two. 'Oh my god!' He exclaims. 'You really just fake cried so you could prank us into thinking something was wrong?' The ginger asks his tall friend.
Lina giggles softly. 'Oh the crying was real. Gwil is just one big softie.' She says before ruffling her hand through Gwil's hair with a grin. 
The boy smiles at that, feeling his cheeks redden a little. He indeed shed a few tears when he saw his child for the first time. And when the doctor told them his girlfriend is pregnant with twins even more tears of happiness started to flow.
'Jeez guys don't you ever scare us like that again. I had almost a heart attack.' Rami says offendedly.

At that moment the door opens. 'Lunch is here.' Lucy says cheerfully. As soon as she sees Rami and Joe's shocked faces, she carefully asks: 'What's going on? Everything okay here? How did the ultrasound go?'
Lina softly giggles at the many questions Lucy asks.
'Yeah, everything is okay here.' Gwil says with a laugh. 'And the ultrasound went great. We just need to tell you something Luce.' He says, trying his best not to grin. Lucy gives him a tense look, but is a little more reassured when she sees Rami smile.
Lina gets up. 'I- I am expecting twins.' She says with a big smile.
Lucy's mouth falls open.
'Oh my god, no way! Come here.' Lucy spreads her arms and hugs Gwil and Lina.
When they let go, Gwil sees tears in her eyes. 'Luce, are you crying?'
Lucy smiles and nods. 'I am just so happy for you.' She says.
Rami gets up and wipes a tear from her cheek with his thumb. He gives her a sweet kiss. 'Time for lunch don't you guys think?' He says.
The others nod in agreement. 
Joe is the only one who stays quiet. He looks down nervously. He jumps up when Rami gently taps him.
'Are you okay?' The black-haired asks softly enough so that only Joe can hear it.
Joe nods. 'Yeah. I'm just not that hungry. I'll have lunch later.' He mumbles. When Rami still looks at him with concern, Joe gives him a reassuring smile.
He quickly sits down next to Ben, ending the conversation with Rami. 'Did you hear the good news Ben?' He says softly. A smile appears on Joe's face as soon as he sees Ben's heart rate rise. He gives Ben a kiss on the hand. 'I love you.' He whispers quickly afterwards. 

'I saw that.'
Joe turns around and is startled to see Roger and Brian standing there. He feels his cheeks turning red.
Roger looks at him with a big grin. 'Didn't you guys forget to tell us something?' He asks Rami.
The latter bursts out laughing.
Meanwhile, Joe's face is as red as a tomato. 'S-sorry guys. Everything went so fast the last few days.' He says softly.
Brian walks over to him and puts his hand on Joe's shoulder. 'We're just kidding Joe. But we are very curious.' He says with a big smile.
Joe chuckles and nods. 'Then I will tell you everything.'
And so he does. From their first kiss to their date a few days ago. 'That night was really amazing.' Joe tells dreamily. 'At one point he got up and took out a rose. Then he asked me if I wanted to be his boyfriend. And of course I said yes.' He says shyly. When he looks up after his story he sees Brian and Roger both looking at him with big smiles.
'I'm glad you two finally found each other.' Brian says. 'It was about time.' He says with a wink.
Roger nods in agreement. 'Take good care of each other.' He adds.
Joe nods. 'Already on it.' He whispers as he smiles at Ben. 

The conversation continues for a while until Joe asks Brian to come along into the hallway.
'I er- I need your advice.' Joe says as soon as the two are out of the room.
Brian nods. The two sit in two of the chairs in the waiting room. 'Of course, just ask me.' The guitarist says with a smile.
'It's just... I'm not sure if I should tell Ben's father about his situation. The conversation between the two went very well, and his father told him he can call him if there is anything. I really want them to bond. Ben deserves that.' Joe says. 
Brian thinks for a moment. 'Well, I think you have to decide that for yourself. You know Ben better than I do.' He says with a caring smile. 'Do you think it will make him happy if he reconnects with his father?' He asks.
Joe shrugs. 'I don't know. I haven't spoken to him after their conversation because of.... well you know.' He can't get Corey's name out of his mouth.
Brian puts his arm around him. 'I'm sure you're making the right choice, Joe.' He says reassuringly.
Joe gives him a little smile before he gets up. 'Thank you Bri.'
Brian chuckles softly. 'For what? I haven't even done anything.'
Joe shakes his head. 'You listened to me. Thanks for that.' 

Yes another upload😊 I just couldn't keep you waiting😅

But the baby is okay guys🎉 well, the babies

Take care❤ Xxx from me aka queenborhap_gifs♡

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