Chapter 8

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'Just before you came in, Ben went to the bathroom. We've been worrying all night. At the hotel he had a panic attack, and he said something to me about his past. I didn't ask what he meant, but I don't think this is all about Joe. Something's really bothering him, clearly.' Gwil says, staring straight ahead.
Brian frowns at that.
'When I said I had to call someone, I lied. Ben sent me a message. He asked me to come to the restrooms and not tell you where I was going. When I got to the toilets, I saw him standing above the sink. It was completely covered in blood. Even his phone was covered in blood. When Ben reached for a cloth, something fell from his pocket. It was a pocket knife. It was all bloody. When I was about to call Rami I saw him stagger. Luckily I caught him just before he hit his head on the sink. Then Rami went to get a nurse.'
Brian's eyes widen. He- he hurt himself? He asks in disbelieve.
Both Gwil and Rami nod, silent tears are running down their cheeks.
'I, I just can't believe that Ben....... That he with a knife-' Rami sniffles softly and wipes his tears.
Brian gets up and gives the boys a hug. 'He'll be alright boys. I'm sure of that.' The man says softly.

*Beep Beep*

The three let go of the hug at the sound of an incoming message.
Brian grabs his phone out of his pocket. 'It's Roger, he's here. He came right over. After calling me names cause I called him at three in the morning.'
A small smile appears on the faces of the two actors. They can already imagine how furious the drummer would've been.
With a sigh, Gwil looks at his watch. 'Are you coming with me Rami? I'm gonna ask at the desk if we can go to Joe or Ben yet.'
Rami nods. 'We'll be right back Brian.'
Brian smiles and nods. 'You two go, I'll wait here for Roger.'
The two boys nods before walking out of the hall towards the incheck-desk. They arrive at the counter, and Gwil rings the bell so someone comes to the counter.
A friendly secretary soon appears. 'Hello, how can I help you?' She looks from Rami to Gwil.
'Uhm hello ma'am, do you have any news about Joseph Mazzello or Benjamin Hardy?' Rami's voice trembles when saying his best friends' names.
'I will take a look for you.' The secretary's fingers jump over the keys of the computer in search for information. 'Let's see. Ah here I have it. Benjamin Hardy, room 6. Admitted for very heavy blood loss. He is awake and you can go to him.' She says with a small smile. Both Rami and Gwil let out a small sigh of relief. 'Joseph Mazzello's condition hasn't changed yet, I'm sorry. You will have to wait a while before you can go to him.'
She adds.
'Thank you very much ma'am.' Gwil nods friendly, and he walks back with Rami to the waiting room where Brian and Roger are sitting.
'So, is there any news yet?' Brian immediately asks.
Before answering the question, Rami and Gwil give Roger a short hug.
'We can go to Ben, he is awake. Joe is still in the same situation as he was half an hour ago.'
Gwil explains.
The two rockstars smile relieved. 'You two go to Ben, we're here waiting for news about Joe.' Roger says. Brian nods in agreement.
Rami and Gwil smile and nod. They both take a deep breath before heading towards Ben's hospital room.

Rami knocks softly on the door. They don't hear anything, so they decide to just enter.
In the room they see Ben lying in his bed. His hand is bandaged, and his other hand is connected to an IV.
'H-hey guys.' Ben's voice is soft, as if he is fearful of the reaction of his friends.
'Ben, thank God, you're okay. How do you feel?' Gwil actually wants to hug Ben, but fears it will hurt him.
'Okay I guess. Just stupid.' Ben says with a shrug.
'Gosh, you scared us. Please don't ever do that again Ben.' Rami says as he feels the tears coming again.
'Are you very angry with me?' Ben asks his friend softly.
The two boys can't help but notice how pale their friend looks.
'No silly, of course we're not angry. We were just so worried you cut yourself in the wrong place. That could have gone very wrong.' Gwil shivers at the thought.
'Are you in a lot of pain?' Rami looks at the IV.
'It's bearable. I get strong pain relief, which makes it okay.' Ben says, trying to smile.
'You're lucky I caught you when you passed out, otherwise you'd have had a hole in your head now.' Gwil tells.
'Thanks for everything guys.' Ben says as he looks at his best friends with gratitude. 'What time is it actually?'
Rami checks his watch. '03.40 Am.' He says with a sigh.
'Ugh why does time always go so slowly in a hospital?' Gwil says sulking.
'How about we get you some food? You need to get stronger after all that blood loss.' Rami says as he gets up.
Gwil nod in agreement and gets up as well.
'But, will you just leave me alone then?' His friends see the fear in Ben's eyes as he says this.
Rami smiles. 'Of course not. There are two more people here who would like to see you.' Rami hasn't even finished his sentence when the door of the room opens.
A bunch of white curls appear. 'Hi boys. You go and get something to drink and eat, we'll keep an eye on Ben.' Brian says smiling.
'We?' Ben looks at him confused.
Then Roger also enters the room. The drummer grins. 'You didn't think I was going to abandon my younger self, did you?' He says as he winks at Ben.
The blond boy smiles widely at that. He's happy he isn't alone.
Roger looks at Brian, Rami, and Gwil. 'Could you guys leave me and Ben alone for a minute?' He asks, the grin on his face disappearing slowly.
Gwil and Rami look questioningly at Roger, but Brian smiles at his friend. 'Good idea, come on guys.' The guitarist says before beckoning Rami and Gwil to come along to the waiting room.

'What was that about?' Gwil looks questioningly at Brian.
Brian gives them a reassuring smile. 'Roger is the right person to talk to Ben about what happened, believe me.'
Rami and Gwilym still don't understand what Brian means, but they trust the older man.
They are about to walk down the hall to get a drink when they see a doctor approaching them. 'Are you here for Joseph Mazzello?' The man asks with a friendly smile.
The three nod.
'I have some news for you...'

I'm getting a little better at writing cliffhangers hahaha
I hope that everyone still enjoys the story :)
And that everyone is still safe. See you later guys <3

xxx queenborhap_gifs

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